Chapter 29

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"Why did you try to help me?" I asked.
"Because it were my brothers well doing," he replied, looking straight ahead.
"Sorry?" I asked.
"If my brothers did not want to interact with you, then you would of not been captured by the witches and hexed,"
"It was my own option to go with Elijah,"
"I am not just talking about Elijah, Elena. I am talking about all of them,"
"I'm not with Klaus or Kol?"
"Oh, I know that. I've been watching you, but it's clear there is a sort of connection between you and my younger brothers,"
"I'm in love with Elijah,"
"Yes and like I said, you have a connection with Niklaus and Kol,"
"We're just friends,"
"Think what you will, Elena. But we have gone off topic, I tried to save you because I will not let you die according to my brothers will,"
"Then save me because I don't want to die,"
"I will Elena. I will do everything in my power to keep you alive,"
"Why are you helping me?"
"Because it's not your fault that you are addicted to this sort of lifestyle, this isn't the life you should have. You should have someone in your life that would never let you go, that would never let you get hurt. And no matter how much I hate the abomination me and my siblings have become and created, I have to admit that you are definitely one I am proud of, you make my brothers better people and you have caused them to smile and join alliances, that is what I've always wanted for my family. And thanks to you, you have saved my brothers,"
Finn was now facing me as he spoke, he spoke with such emotion and power.
"Why aren't you with them?" I asked.
"I'm not welcome there, not anymore," he replied sadly.
"They listen to me and like you said, they've changed. So why don't you come with me and we'll talk to your siblings?"
"I am only here to keep you safe, Elena. I am not here for a family reunion,"
"Well, instead of creepily watching me why don't you just stay with us?"
"I'm afraid not, I'm sorry,"
"Fine. But why don't you stay at my house then? You can stay in my brothers old room?"
"I cannot intrude,"
"No, it's okay honestly. I insist,"
"If I must,"
"Thank you,"
"For what?"
"For trying to keep me safe and trying to save me,"
"It's my pleasure, Elena. I will save you from this hex,"
I smiled and nodded. I did usually have hope, but I didn't want to get my hopes up this time. I stood up and he copied, we walked back to my house in silence. He was walking with his hands behind his back and his back was straight.
When we got to my house, I told him to wait outside whilst I spoke to Alaric. He nodded and I went inside.
"Alaric.." I trailed off happily.
"What do you want?" He asked, as he looked at me.
"What do you mean?"
"You only call me Alaric when you want something and your all happy, it's not normal,"
I laughed at him and punched his arm.
"Okay, so..I was wondering if a friend could stay in Jeremy's room for a while, just until he gets himself sorted?"
"It's a guy?"
"Yeah, but we'll be in different rooms,"
"Okay, fine,"
"Thank you!"
I kissed his cheek and gave him a hug, he chuckled and hugged me back. I pulled back and then went to the front door, I opened it and saw Finn standing forwards with his back facing me. He turned to face me when I opened the door fully.
"I'll show you to the room," I said with a smile.
"Thank you," he said, as he walked into my house.
"Alaric Szaltzman," said Alaric.
"Vincent Summers," he replied, as he shook Alaric's hand.
Alaric smiled and I led Finn upstairs. When we entered Jeremy's room, I turned to face him.
"Vincent Summers?" I asked with a smile.
"First name that entered my mind," he said also with a smile.
"There it is!" I said excitedly.
"Your smile, I didn't think you knew how to smile,"
He chuckled and I smiled.
"Goodnight Finn," I said, as I walked towards the door.
"Goodnight Elena," he replied softly.
I left the room and went to my own, I went to the bathroom and had a wash before getting changed. When I was in the bathroom I heard my phone ring on my bed. I quickly finished my wash and walked into my room, picking up my phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Elena it's Elijah," he replied.
"Elijah, hey," I said happily.
"I'm sorry about my siblings and myself earlier,"
"It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry for walking off,"
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing really, just getting ready for bed. Why?"
"Have you got company?"
"No, why?"
He then put the phone down and there was a knock at the door. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to answer the door. I opened it and saw Elijah holding a bouquet of red roses.
"Elena," he said with a smile.
"They're beautiful!" I squealed.
He chuckled and I invited Elijah in.
"Elena, who's at the door?" Alaric said, as he walked to us from the kitchen. "Oh, Elijah..Hey," he said awkwardly.
"Oh yeah, I completely forgot. Ric I'm in love with Elijah,"
Alaric blinked rapidly at me before it sank in.
"Okay, well I'm going to bed," he said quietly.
"Goodnight Ric," I said, as I laughed.
"Goodnight," he said awkwardly, as he walked up the stairs.
I looked at Elijah and he chuckled before kissing me. I kissed him back and he deepened the kiss. But before it could of got any further I pulled away.
"Let's do something else?" I giggled.
"Of course," he chuckled.
I led him to the couch and we sat down.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.
"Sure," he replied.
"What films do you like?"
"I don't usually watch films,"
"Oh my god, seriously?"
"Okay, well then horror movies it is,"
He chuckled and I put The Conjuring into the DVD player.
"By the way, I get scared really easily, so you'll have to be my teddy bear," I flirted.
"No problem with me," he said softly, as he leaned forwards and kiss me.
I kissed him back and teased him before pulling away. He laughed and I pressed play for the film to start.

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