Chapter 8

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Third Persons POV
Elijah carried up a cup of Klaus' blood to Elena's room, as he still wasn't invited in. He sat Elena up and helped her drink the blood, she slowly regained colour and strength.
"Thank you, Elijah," Said Elena softly.
"I have to go, but I will return, alright?" He replied.
She nodded and Elijah kissed her forehead. He walked out of the room and took a deep breath, Jeremy and Alaric came out to him and thanked him.
"My pleasure," replied Elijah.
He walked down the stairs and saw Stefan, he slowly walked up to him and said, "You have to leave with him, don't you?"
"But you want to stay with Elena, don't you?"
"I seems I can never have what I want when it regards my brother,"
"I know the feeling,"
"I apologise about your brother, Stefan,"
"Yeah, me too,"
"Do not tell Elena about me leaving, if she asks say I'm meeting someone,"
Stefan nodded and shook Elijah's hand. Elijah left Elena's house and walked up to Klaus' car with tears in eyes, he didn't let them fall, he could not show weakness in front of his brother. As he got into the car Klaus smiled at him, but he just looked forward and ignored him. Klaus clenched his jaw and started the engine and then they left.

Elena's POV
"Jer, do you know if Elijah is back?" Elena shouted from her room.
"No, text him or something?" Jeremy shouted back from downstairs.
"He's like 1,000 years old, how do I know if he'll be able to use a phone?" She shouted back.
Jeremy just laughed.
Elena got out her phone and texted Elijah asking if he was okay. She twirled her phone around her fingers for a while before getting up and going downstairs to join Jeremy.
"He's not answered, has he?" Asked Jeremy as she sat next to him on the couch.
"What?" She replied.
"You're down here with me playing video games, because you want to distract yourself from staring at your phone,"
"Shut up!"
They both laughed as Elena softly punched his arm.
After a while Jeremy said, "You are rubbish at this!"
Elena glared at her brother and threw a pillow at his head, she put down the controller and picked up her phone.
"Hey! You can't just quit the game like that!" He said.
"I can and I did,"
"Has he replied?"
"You actually like him, don't you?"
"I'm not having girl talk with you,"
Elena winked and smiled at Jeremy.
"Ha-ha, whatever,"
"I'm going bed, night Jer,"
"Night, Elena,"
Elena smiled and got up to walk upstairs, when she got into her room there was a letter on her bed. She recognised the writing on the envelope, it was Elijah's. The letter read:

My Dearest Elena,
Today I made a deal with Niklaus. For you to live, I had to leave you and stay with him. I would give everything up for you Elena. I give you my word that I will return to you one day and when I do, I will make it up to you. But for now, I need you to not search for me, to live your life and know that I love you Elena, I love you more than I can put into words. Know that I'll love you, Always and Forever,

Elena read the letter over and over again, she couldn't believe it, she thought it was some joke, but then she realised that he hadn't come back yet and then she knew it was true. Tears fell down her cheeks and once again she felt like she couldn't stop. Elena could only think about the fact that he loved her and she loved him back, yet he had gone, and she couldn't prove that she loved him.

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