Chapter 10

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Third Persons POV
It had been 20 minutes since Klaus agreed to return with Elijah back to Mystic Falls, every few seconds Caroline would look over at the door and then back at Elena. Everyone noticed but because it was Caroline, they ignored it. But finally Elena gave up and asked, "Caroline! Seriously, why do you keep looking at me?"
"What? I'm not!" She spat out.
"Tell me,"
"It's just - you're my best friend that's all,"
Elena smiled and hugged her. Bonnie them cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes at Caroline. Caroline rolled her eyes and pulled her into the hug, they all laughed and pulled Matt and Tyler into the hug also.
It was close to the hour mark and Caroline sighed, she couldn't believe that he was breaking his promise, especially to her. She then turned to Elena, she must of been thinking about Elijah because of instead of joining in their conversations or watching the movie in the background, she was looking down to the floor and holding back her tears.

Elena's POV
Everyone was enjoying themselves and getting a long like usual, but all I could do was think about Elijah and fight back my tears. I could feel Caroline staring at me, I was so close to loosing it with her.
He never left my mind, he was all I could think about all the time. I missed him so much, yet I only spent one night with him, I loved him and no one could ever tell me otherwise.
I then got a text from an unknown number, it read:

Elena, meet me at Wickery Bridge, quickly.

I told everyone that I had to go pick up Jeremy, they looked confused but agreed as they all decided to wait for me, we were all going to have a major slumber party. I left and quickly got into my car, I quickly drove off and made my way to Wickery Bridge. When I got there I parked my car near the edge and got out, I walked over to the edge and looked down into the water. Without Elijah I'm nothing I thought to myself. I smiled at the thought of Elijah, of his warm embrace, his reliability, his looks and even his suits. A tear fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it off when I heard a whoosh sound, I turned around and saw Rebekah.
"Why did you call me here, Rebekah?" I asked.
"It's regarding my very noble brother," she answered.
"Why what's happened? Is he okay?"
"Yes, calm down, he's fine!"
"Okay, so why am I here?"
She didn't answer, she just motioned for me to turn around and I saw a very red eyed Elijah.
"Elijah?" I gasped.

Caroline's POV
As soon as Elena left, Jeremy came down the stairs.
"What the hell?" Bonnie asked.
Everyone turned to him and looked as confused as each other. I realised and jumped up and giggled.
"What?" Everyone asked.
"Well, earlier Rebekah called me and spoke to me about Elijah, and then well me being me, I made Klaus agree to give him back if I went on a date with him and then he said that they would be about an hour, and -" I looked down to my watch and continued, "well it's been an hour and she's gone to meet someone!"
Bonnie squealed and said, "Okay, come on, we have to go to them!"
"No, give them time, they've been apart for like forever!" I said smiling.
"Does that mean we have to sleep downstairs, if you know what I mean?" Tyler asked sarcastically.
We all groaned and I softly punched his arm.

Elijah's POV
When we got back to Mystic Falls, I rushed to get changed and dropped my bags in my room. Rebekah came into my room and told me that she had just texted Elena telling her to meet us at Wickery Bridge. Ironic as that's where Rebekah killed her. When we got there Elena was already waiting, I didn't want to speak to her first for two reasons. 1 - I would probably give her a heart attack sneaking up on her & 2 - I could barely contain myself seeing her for the first time in two months.
I could tell she had been crying recently, all I wanted to do was pull her into a hug and never let her go. When she was speaking to Rebekah I could feel my eyes well up as a couple of tears fell down my cheeks, she turned around to me and I couldn't say anything, she gasped my name but we both stood there staring at each other.
"Elena," I said calmly containing my emotions.
She ran up to me and smashed her lips onto mine, I kissed back eagerly and we weren't slowing down. Eventually we pulled apart gasping for breath, Rebekah smiled and walked off. Before she walked away I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Thank you, dear sister," I said as I kissed her cheek.
"Im glad to see you happy again, Elijah," She replied.
And with that she smiled and left. I walked back up to Elena and hugged her, we stood there for a while appreciating each other's company until she gasped.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Everyone is back at my house and I told them I was picking up Jeremy,"
I laughed and said, "Well then, lovely Elena, shall I take you home?"
"You could stay with us, if you'd like?"
"I'd like that,"
"I have missed you so much, Elijah,"
"And I have missed you too,"
"Please don't leave me again?"
"I love you,"
"I love you too, Elena,"
I leant down to her and kissed her again before leaving.

Third Persons POV
As Elena and Elijah pulled apart and walked over to her car a very familiar brunette stopped them.
"First Stefan and Damon, now my Elijah?" Said the woman sarcastically.
"Katerina?" Replied Elijah.
"You don't seriously think he loves you, do you?" Katherine asked Elena.
Elena looked up to Elijah and saw him staring intensely at Katherine.

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