Chapter 6

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Stefan's POV
Elena thought Elijah was Damon, she actually thought he was Damon. I thought that she was either loosing it or something was actually really wrong.
"Elena, it's me, Elijah," he said calmly as he approached her on the stairs.
"I'm so happy to see you! We thought you were dead, Damon. Stefan came round earlier and told us that you had died," she said as she wrapped her arms around Elijah nearly crying.
I didn't know whether to step in but I was certain Elijah had it all under control.
"It's not Damon, Elena," he answered.
She looked at him for a while and realised it wasn't Damon, she apologised and ran to her room, locking her door behind her. Elijah turned back to face us, we were all confused. And then all of a sudden Elijah gasped.

Elena's POV
After I got home and when I was on my way to bed, I saw Damon. I know I did. But it was like a dream, like I wasn't actually living it. I shrugged it off and went into the bathroom to have a shower, I took my jacket off and looked into the mirror, I could see something on my neck. I looked closer and it looked like blood, I took off my shirt and gasped in horror. There was a bite mark on my shoulder, 'it must of been when I got attacked by the wolf and blacked out for a second or two' I thought to myself. I panicked and looked around frantically for some painkillers, even though I knew they wouldn't help, It was my first reaction. But then I heard a knock on the bathroom door, I quickly locked the door and vamp-sped out of my clothes and into the shower.
"I'm the shower, sorry!" I shouted.
"Elena, are you hurt?" Asked Elijah.
"No I'm fine," I shouted back.
I knew I couldn't keep it from him, but I didn't want to worry him. I didn't want to worry anyone. Elijah didn't reply so I assumed he had left, I slid down the wall of the shower and cried. I was going to die and no one could stop it from happening. I cried harder and harder until there was another knock on the door.
"Elena,I can hear you, I know you're crying. Please open the door?" Asked Elijah.
I quickly stood back up and protested that I was fine.

Elijah's POV
I stood there for a while, not knowing how to reply. I knew that she was hurt and it was something to do with the werewolf attack, even though it was constantly playing at my mind, I didn't let the worst occur to me. But then I heard her crying, it was quite at first but then it got louder and stronger. I wanted to break down the door to comfort her, but I knew it would of been quite unfair to break down a door that didn't belong to me also that Elena was naked in the shower and I didn't think Jeremy and Alaric would of appreciated it. So I told her I could her hear crying but yet again, she told me that she was fine. I sighed but as soon as I was about to go back downstairs, Jeremy, Alaric and Stefan came up. Jeremy handed me a key to open the door, I then figured that Stefan had told them what I said.
"Excuse me," I said to them as I opened the door.
"She's my sister, let me go to her!" Said Jeremy.
I smirked and said, "She's in the shower, young Gilbert,"
He quickly stepped back with Alaric and Stefan, and they all turned their backs. I smirked once again and closed the door behind me.
"Elijah, what the hell?" Asked a confused Elena as she realised I was in the bathroom.
"I know you're not okay, Elena," I confronted her.
"Can we at least wait till, I'm like, not in the shower?" She answered embarrassed.
"Right of course," I said as I leant back on the wall.
She stared at me waiting for me to move but I didn't. She closed the shower curtain and began to wash herself. I felt quite rude and unfair as I watched her, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. But then she turned and I could see a huge mark on her shoulder leading up to her neck, I pushed myself off of the wall and ran towards her pulling the curtain open.
"Elijah!" She shouted.
I ignored her and examined the mark.
"You got bit?" I asked showing a lot of concern.
"It'll be fine, really," she lied.
But as soon as she spoke those words she fell to the floor, but I was quick enough to catch her. I picked her up, bridal style, and opened the bathroom door leading to her bedroom, I wrapped a towel around her and placed her on her bed. The 3 men ran to Elena's room but before they could see the bite, I pulled Elena's blanket over her.
"What's going on?" Asked Alaric.
I hesitated but I knew I had to tell them, "Earlier when Elena was out in the woods, she got bit,"
Jeremy ran to her and fell to his knees beside her, stroking her hair and Alaric and Stefan looked as if their whole world had come crashing down.
"She'll be okay though, right? All we have to do is get Klaus," said Alaric.
Jeremy looked up to me with so much hope and I couldn't bring my self to say that he wouldn't, so I nodded and excused myself. When I had reached Elena's front door, I took out my phone and hovered my finger over Klaus' number.
"He won't come, will he?" Stefan asked at the top of the stairs.
I looked up to him and shook my head, his eyes once again started to well up.
When I got outside, I rubbed my hands over my face and let a few silent tears fall before finally ringing Klaus.
"Ah, brother. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked as he answered the call.
"It's Elena, she's been bit by a werewolf,"
"And by this call, I'm guessing you want me to help her?"
"Yes, brother,"
"Why would I want to help someone who stopped me from having the chance of making more hybrids!"
"That was Rebekah's fault, she's the careless one who caused her death!"
"Why is she so important for me to save?"
"Brother, please?"
"Don't tell me you've been too careless to fall for her?"
"Klaus, you are my brother, please just help her?"
"Elijah, let her go. You'll find a new one soon enough,"
"I love her, Klaus.."
He didn't reply for a few seconds.
"I'll be there soon," he said finally before ending the call.

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