Chapter 9

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Third Persons POV
It had been 2 months since Elijah had left and all Elena did was ignore everyone and isolate herself, she had lost Elijah and Damon in the space of 2 months. Yeah, she was mad at Damon before he died but she still loved him, just not in the way he desperately wanted. Stefan had decided to go away for a while, he said he would come back when everything had blown over and calmed down.
Elena once again laid in her bed with the blanket over her head, she heard her bedroom door open but she thought it was just Alaric or Jeremy checking up on her again.
"Go away," she murmured.
"That's not a nice way to treat your best friends!" Bonnie answered.
Elena pushed the blanket away from her face and looked at Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Tyler all standing in her room. They were all smiling sympathetically holding bags of junk food and movies.
"You have been blowing us off for far too long!" Said Caroline.
Elena smiled for the first time in weeks and got out of bed pulling them all into a group hug.
Caroline giggled and said, "Okay, well come on then! Get downstairs, we have plenty of movies to watch and food and alcohol to consume!"
Everyone laughed and made their way downstairs.

Elijah's POV
It had only been 2 months since I was forced to leave Elena but it seemed like a whole lifetime ago. I sat in my study and stared at the ceiling and thought of her beautiful smile and intriguing laugh. Everything about her drew me in, she always seemed to impress me. I then thought of her being alone and with Stefan living under the same roof as her, I could imagine him being all over her, him trying to win her back. But then my thoughts were disrupted by Niklaus storming into where I was.
"What is it?" I asked as I stood up.
"That little bitch! I am going to dagger her!" He shouted back.
"Niklaus, calm down and tell me what is going on?"
"Our little sister has decided that she hates seeing you so bloody heart broken and wants to take you back to Mystic Falls, back to Elena. But of course I stopped her and now she's got hold of Caroline!"
"And why is that a problem?"
"I am not going to sit back and watch you get your heart broken by the same line of doppelgängers, brother. I have decided to pull his family back together and it will not be fixed if you are an emotionless state due to your unfortunate luck of love,"
"And you think this is a happy family, Niklaus? You pulled me away from Elena for you own selfish gain and now you want us to be a happy family once again? Excuse me brother, but you are wrong. We will never be a family unless all of us are happy. I would do anything to fix our family, to see us all happy once again, even if it means leaving Elena, but when you continuously threaten us all with daggers and ripping our hearts out it makes me realise how much I miss and love Elena. So, brother, if you were truly begging for our family to be whole again I suggest you stop acting like someone who wants to kill us and start acting like who someone who loves us!"
Klaus stared at me and walked up to my face when I finished, I didn't flinch or move back, I knew what to expect. But before either of us could move Rebekah came rushing into the room and shouted, "Nik, there's someone who wants to speak to you," She dangled her mobile between her fingers and handed it to Niklaus as he walked up to her.
"Hello?" He asked.

Elena's POV
We were all sitting silently as we watched the movie, we could feel the tension rise up as the film got scarier, I held onto Matt for dear life. We all tensed up even more expecting something big and scary to happen in the film but then Caroline's phone rang and we all jumped and screamed like hell.
"Caroline!" We all shouted as we calmed down.
Caroline looked at us and we all burst out laughing. Tyler threw a pillow at Caroline as she stood up to answer the phone.
"Seriously?" Asked Bonnie as Caroline stood right in front of the tv.
She winked and moved out of the way, she walked up the stairs to the bathroom and answered the phone. I heard her close the door and we all went back to silence as we watched the film.

Caroline's POV
I walked into the bathroom and answered the call, it was from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I asked nervously.
"Caroline, darling, it's Rebekah," answered Rebekah.
"Rebekah, how the hell did you get my number?"
"Different story for a different time. Now, how is Elena?"
"Absolutely heart broken! She hasn't left the house in about 2 months, it's devastating to watch really. We are here with her now, trying to cheer her up, but every time she smiles or laughs she looks guilty as she's not allowed to be happy,"
"I'm sorry, love, honestly. But so is Elijah, he's my brother and I never thought I'd say this but, we need to get them back together. They are absolutely miserable without each other!"
"Well how do we do that? Your dick of a brother is basically keeping him hostage!"
"Have you forgotten, love? You're the only person in the world, he'll listen to,"
"Well, pass him over then,"
"I'm going to love this!"
I smiled and waited for Rebekah to hand the phone over to Klaus.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Klaus, it's Caroline. Give Elijah back, now!"
"Calm down, love. I'm keeping him here for safe keepings,"
"Are you serious?"
"About what, love?"
"They are basically dying without each other, you don't want to be in the way of true love, now do you?"
He paused for a while.
"And why should I hand my brother back over?"
"Are you not listening? They love each other!"
"Yes and for a vampire you can find love numerous times,"
"Was that aimed at me or are you really that stupid?"
"Don't worry, love. She'll get over him,"
"Klaus, if you let Elijah and Elena return back to each other I will agree to going on another date with you as well as another chance,"
I held my breath waiting for an answer, I was almost certain he had ended the call.
"Okay, love. You have a deal,"
"Thank you, now make sure he's back in an hour or less and if not our deal is off!"
"Don't push it, love,"
"I'm serious, Klaus!"
"And so am I,"
"I'll see you in an hour then, yeah?"
"Yes, Caroline,"
I smiled and ended the call and skipped back downstairs. I sat next to Elena and hugged her.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she laughed and tried to get out of my tight grip.
"You'll have to wait and see," I giggled.
She looked at me concerned and we all went back to watching the movie.

Elijah's POV
"What happened to being the one who didn't want love to get between family?" I asked Klaus as he gave Rebekah back her device.
He shot me an evil glare and instructed me and Rebekah to pack our bags as we were leaving New Orleans and back to Mystic Falls.
As I packed my bag I took out a picture of Elena I kept in my pocket and whispered, "I told you I'd return, lovely Elena,"

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