Chapter 21

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Kol's POV
I woke up to Niklaus shouting my name from Elena's front door, I looked around cautiously and realised Elena had gone.
"Where is she?" Nik shouted.
"I don't bloody know!" I shouted back, as I stood up.
"Well, you've been here! Why on earth were you asleep, anyway?" He said annoyed.
"I wasn't..Elena broke my neck," I said as I rubbed my neck.
Nik laughed and I walked away from the table, but then I saw Elena's phone on her couch. I picked it up and unlocked it, she recently received text from Caroline.

You're doing the right thing, Elena. You're setting them free, they'll be happier now.

I angrily shoved her phone into my pocket and told Nik what must of happened, we rang Elijah and quickly made our way to the Salvatore's. Elijah wasn't answering his phone, after the 17th call we decided to give up.
When we got to the Salvatore's, no one was there. We quietly looked around, but then we heard a noise coming from the kitchen. We looked at each other and walked to kitchen, we saw Alaric rubbing the back of his head. He turned and saw us, he looked shocked and scared but then his face softened.
"Thank god you two are here! Do you have any idea how long I have been locked up here? I've compelled for days not to leave," he said as he walked towards us.
"How do you know you've been compelled?" I asked.
"Because I'm not drinking or taking vervain and no matter how badly I want to leave, I can't bring myself to do it. But I think it's about Elena, she needs your help. She was here a while ago, she left with everyone a couple of minutes later,"
"Do you know where they went?"
"Stefan went to go get Bonnie, but the rest of them, I think, went to the woods?"
We nodded and Nik tossed Alaric some vervain. He quickly drunk some of it and thanked us, Nik told him to think of loopholes and we would help when we returned.
We rang Elijah again as we walked into the woods, he finally answered and Nik put it on loud speaker.
"We know where they've taken her, come to the woods," Nik said quickly.
"Actually, your brother won't be going anywhere for a while," said a woman's voice.
I looked to Nik confused and I realised who's voice it was.
"Bonnie?" I asked.
"Your idiotic brother tried to attack me and well, I gave him an aneurysm and he passed out," she said proudly.
"Where is Elena, Bonnie?" Nik asked.
"She's with us, she'll be okay. We won't let anything bad happen to her,"
Bonnie ended the call.
Me and Nik quickly searched the woods, but it just seemed as though it was getting bigger. When it got dark we finally heard some talking and someone light a fire. We sped towards the noise and we saw them all. Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy, Stefan, Elena and Elijah and Damon's bodies. Elena was sitting in a circle surrounded by fire, like the one she was in during Nik's ritual. She was looking at Elijah's unconscious body. I stood on a twig and it snapped loudly, Bonnie's head snapped towards us and she chanted a spell, we tried to stop her but she had performed a sealing spell, locking us in a tight box. We shouted and banged on the invisible seal trying to wake up Elijah.
After a while of failing to try and wake Elijah, the fire around Elena slowly started to fade away. I could feel fear and sadness. I shouted at Elena to run, she turned away from the people she called her friends and turned to me and Nik. She smirked and winked at us and then turned back to them. I looked at Nik and he was also curious and confused.
"Elena, do you allow yourself to become a sacrificial source for Damon Salvatore?" Asked Bonnie as she placed herbs on her forehead.
Elena smiled and disagreed.
"Elena, what are you doing?" Asked Bonnie.
"Just passing the time," she said suspiciously.
Everyone turned to look at each other and then at us, we shrugged as we actually had no clue as to what she was doing. And then all of a sudden, a very much loved and needed blonde vampire sped up to Stefan and broke his neck. Caroline tried to attack Rebekah but Elena grabbed her wrists and pushed her to the floor, she got on her back and broke both of Caroline's arms, she screamed in pain as Elena then bit her neck and ripped her heart out from the back. And then as if it was all planned, Elijah sped up and stood behind Tyler who was being held by Rebekah. They had to be aware of him as one bite would be lethal, even though his venom couldn't kill me or my siblings, it could kill Elena. Elijah raised his hand and quickly sped it across his neck, causing Tyler's body to fall to the floor, headless. I raised my eyebrows as I watched the action, I have to admit I was rather pissed that I was missing out. Elijah and Rebekah then walked up to Bonnie and killed her instantly, releasing me and Nik from the seal. Rebekah then slowly walked towards Young Jeremy Gilbert, but then Elena sped in front of him, declaring that he was not to be touched. Rebekah and Elijah reluctantly backed away, but then Elena gasped in pain and fell to her knees. We ran towards her and we saw a stake lodged in her back, it wasn't in her heart but it was close. We stood up growling and showing fangs towards Jeremy, but Rebekah sped him away so he wouldn't get hurt.

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