Chapter 23

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Hey, instead of writing two I decided to write a extra long one. Hope you like it xo

After me and Rebekah got dried off and changed, we decided to go shopping. But before we went, I told her I just wanted to meet someone quickly, she nodded and told me that she would meet me at the grill.
I left their mansion and quickly sped to the Salvatore's boarding house, I entered and saw a very worried looking Alaric sitting on a chair.
"Elena?" He asked as he stood up.
"Hey," I replied.
He ran towards me and pulled me into a hug.
"I was so worried about you, I wanted to help. But I was compelled not to leave," he said.
"It's okay, Ric. Who compelled you?" I answered as we pulled apart.
"Most likely Stefan?"
"But shouldn't it be undone, considering he's dead?"
But then I remembered he wasn't dead, he just had his neck snapped.
"He's not dead, is he?" I asked again.
Alaric didn't reply, but he shook his head and looked alarmingly at me and pointed towards the door. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and mouthed, "What?"
"Leave, Stefan's here," he mouthed back.
I nodded and pulled him into another hug. I quickly sped to the front door, but I was stopped by a very angry Stefan.
"Stefan?" I asked, even though I knew it was him.
"You selfish, manipulative bitch," he said getting angrier and angrier, as he walked closer towards me.
"You tried to sacrifice me for your own selfish gain, how am I the one who's selfish?" I said raising my voice, as I slowly backed away from him.
Stefan then had veins appearing underneath his now red eyes, he opened his mouth and revealed very sharp fangs. He walked closer and closer towards me but before he could do anything else, Alaric put a hand on his chest and said angrily, "Leave her alone, Stefan. Or I could just call an original and let them deal with you?"
I smirked but it quickly went away when Stefan had Alaric pinned to the wall by his throat. I sped over and ripped Stefan away from him, causing Alaric to fall. I pinned Stefan to the floor and he tried to push me off, but I stated that I wasn't the one who drank animal blood. I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I thought you would of been the one who stood by me,"
I pulled back and saw a little guilt in his eyes, but then I heard a gun click. I turned around and saw Jeremy holding a crossbow, with wooden daggers, he looked at me as if I was a stranger.
"Jer, please?" I asked.
"Don't call me that," he said with so much resentment.
But then he aimed the crossbow at me and quickly shot me before I could move.
"Elena!" Shouted Alaric.
The dagger plunged right into my stomach, I held my wound and tried to pull it out. But then Stefan sat up and twisted my head and neck, and I fell into darkness.

Elijah's POV
It was 2 hours after the swimming pool incident and Niklaus, Kol and myself were definitely on edge. It must of been years since we were that nervous over 2 women. But then I got a phone call from Rebekah.
"Rebekah," I said, as I answered the phone.
"Is she with you?" She asked.
"Elena, is she with you? She was supposed to meet me at the grill ages ago,"
"No, I'm afraid she's not, sorry. Have you tried ringing her?"
"Yes, like a billion times! She said that she was going to meet someone and then meet me at the grill when she was finished, so we could go shopping,"
"Who was she meeting?"
"I don't know, she didn't say,"
"When did you arrange this meeting?"
"This morning, after we got dried and changed,"
"Go to her house, I'll be there in a couple of minutes,"
I ended the call before she could say anything else. I walked to my room and picked up my blazer, before Niklaus knocked on my door.
"Come in," I answered.
"Are you going to look for Elena?" He asked as he entered my room.
"She doesn't need to be found, she's not missing, brother. We just don't know where she is,"
"Do you want me to help, considering I have better senses,"
"If you must,"
Niklaus smiled showing his rather famous dimples and walked to my closet.
"So many suits," he said barely above a whisper, as he went through my clothes.
"Jealous, brother?" I joked.
He smirked and he followed me as I walked out of my room, but before he could pass me on the stairs, I grabbed his arm and leaned closer to his ear.
"Try anything with Elena and I'll break both of your arms," I whispered.
"Relax, brother. I'm simply waiting for her. However, Kol is the one you should be warning," he said with a smirk.
I let go of his arm and walked quietly down to my car, we got in and I was just about to drive off but then Kol came and stood in front of my car.
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Asked Niklaus, as he opened his window.
"Looking for our girlfriend without me, are you?" He asked jokingly.
I glared at him angrily as he got into the car.
"Careful, Kol. Elijah, here has already had a word with me about his Elena," said Niklaus.
"His Elena? You really should learn to share, brother. Maybe when we find Elena we should ask her who she really wants?" Answered Kol as I looked at him through the mirror.
I clenched my jaw and drove off.
When we got to Elena's house, Rebekah was sitting on the bench on Elena's porch.
"Is she in?" Asked Niklaus, as we walked out of the car and up to her.
"Well, no ones answered. But if she is in, I've not been bloody invited in, so I couldn't of gone in," she answered.
I knocked on the door, there was no answer, I waited for a few seconds before knocking again. I knelt down to the lock and picked it.
"When did you learn how to do that?" Asked Kol, as I pushed open the door.
"First time, actually," I said, as I walked into the house.
Kol chuckled and followed me into the house, Niklaus tried as well but he was stopped by the invisible seal. I smirked at him as he cursed. I walked upstairs as Kol searched downstairs. I went into all of the rooms and couldn't find her, so I went back downstairs to see he hadn't found her either.
"She's not here," I said.
"Well then, where is she?" Asked Kol in confusion.
"I know as little as you, brother," I answered.
I took out my phone and rang her, the call was declined after 3 rings.
"She declined the call?" I said, well more like questioned.
Kol laughed, "I'm guessing she's already chose, brother,"
He took out his phone and rang Elena, she also declined. He looked down to his phone and pouted. We looked to Niklaus but he just scoffed at us.
"I am not risking it," he said.
"Oh for gods sake, can't we just go look for her instead of..whatever the hell this is?" Rebekah said annoyed.
We nodded and me and Kol exited the house and I closed the door behind me.
"Wait.." Niklaus said as he froze.
"Have you picked up her scent?" I asked trying not to show emotion.
"Good dog," said Kol jokingly.
I glared at Kol and he quickly apologised.
"I've got her scent, but it doesn't lead to where she is, this scent is at least a week old?" He said looking down to the floor disappointed.
"Well, why don't we go back home and pick her scent up there, that's where we know she definitely was," answered Kol.
We nodded and we all got back into my car and drove back home. When we got there Niklaus quickly sped to the front door and stood still, trying to find her scent. When he found it he smiled and followed the track, we quietly followed as Kol was trying not to laugh at our brother. We had been walking for 15 minutes when we realised we were near the Salvatore's boarding house.
"She must of gone there," I said.
We left the track and sped to the house, when we got there Niklaus nodded and informed us that she had been there and she hadn't left.
I kicked down the door and we walked in, we saw Alaric laying on the floor. I listened to his pulse, it was weak but it was there. I sped to him and fed him my blood, he slowly got up and regained colour.
"Thank you," he said weakly.
"Where's Elena?" I asked.
"I don't know, I got knocked out before I saw where they took her,"
"Who took her?"
"Jeremy and Stefan,"
I stood up and forced my fangs back in as they appeared due to how angry I was. But then we heard a scream, Elena's scream.
"Stay here and do not move," I said as I compelled Alaric.
We sped to the cellar in the basement and saw Elena being held up by chains. I tried to open the door but it was locked, I tried to kick it down but it wouldn't open.
"There's no point, it's been sealed by a witch," said Jeremy as he came into focus through the bars on the door.
"Let her go!" I growled.
"As you wish," he said.
We watched as Elena was slowly let go, but then she fell into a pit of vervain covered daggers. She screamed and I banged on the door, causing it to fly open. But when we tried to enter, we were thrown back to the wall by an invisible seal.
"Like I said, the entrance has been sealed," said Jeremy as he picked Elena up and put the chains back on her wrists.
"Please.." said Elena weakly as she coughed up blood.
"I'm helping you, Elena. You've been compelled by these, and once we get the cure for you, you can help Damon," said Jeremy as he pushed a piece of Elena's hair behind her ear.
"Let her go, Young Gilbert. Now!" Niklaus shouted as his eyes turned golden.
"Get her yourself!" He shouted back.
"Come on, mate. She's your sister and you're killing her," said Kol, trying to calm the situation.
Elena was surrounded by wooden daggers, pointing upwards, covered in vervain. Her clothes were all torn and covered in blood. She was standing up limply, facing the ground. Rebekah had tears in her eyes and she was staring at Elena.
"I am not killing her! I am helping her!" He shouted.
"Look at her!" I shouted.
He looked at his dying sister and held up her face. She looked at him with such hate.
"I am helping you," he said softly.
"Go to hell," she croaked, barely above a whisper.
Jeremy clenched his jaw but still didn't drop his hand from holding up her face, he used his other hand to move hair out of her face and then he quickly picked up a dagger and plunged it into her stomach.
"No!" I shouted as I jumped to the doorway but was stopped by the seal.
My siblings also shouted but Jeremy just kept taking out the dagger and stabbing it right back into her. He dropped her face and whispered into her ear, "I'll see you there,"

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