o4; partners

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The teacher's voice can be heard echoing throughout the class. Many of the pupils have already fallen asleep, attempting to get a quick nap before after school activities.

The orange glow of the already setting sun pours through the glass windows of the classroom, illuminating the pages sprawled across Sugawara's desk and adding orange tints to his textbook. His hazel-eyes were already dropping shut and his head falls forward in a terrible attempt to stay awake.

Now being a third-year, his responsibilities on the volleyball team have doubled- never mind the extra pressure of being adorned with the title of 'vice-captain'. The setter was constantly having to watch over the younger teammates and ensure they didn't get into any trouble which wasn't always the easiest of tasks. However, somehow the boy had managed to keep his head afloat as he balances his many tasks and chores for each day.

The teacher's voice abruptly pulls him from his strings of daydreaming. "Okay, so we are going to be doing a project soon so you'll all need to be in pairs. I don't care who with just find someone."

Hearing the announcement the class is divided. Some turn to their heads to their friends and smile at each other in agreement, whereas some people look around the class in worry as they know they'll be one of the last to be paired up.

Not being able to care less about the thoughts and fears of her pupils she continues, "The topic will be on World War One. We've been learning about this topic for a while now so this will show me how well you have all been understanding the course. There won't be a class presentation but I expect a lot of hard work since this will be going towards your final grade. You've got a few minutes until the end of class so pair up now."

The pairs of friends across the class move over to one another and are already discussing their schedules and topics. Some stay in their seats and only awkwardly glance from side to side hoping someone will come up to him and offer to be their partner.

A certain (h/c)-coloured girl only sits there and writes her notes, not minding whether or not she has a partner since anyone without one will be paired up by the teacher. Looking up slightly she catches a glance of her blonde short hair.

Kai Reiki is a well-known girl in school. Her older brother graduated at the top of his class- as expected of him- and she was following him in his steps, steadily climbing the ladder of success. To (Y/n) her life was perfect. She has a loving family and adoring siblings who love her with every ounce of their being. She has a handsome boyfriend who is also at the top of their class, hoping to become a doctor to continue the family tradition. She gets incredible grades consistently and is one of the most beautiful girls in school. She is the definition of perfect.

(E/c)-eyes meet Kai's chestnut ones, both looking solemnly at each other's faces with pure understanding. Kai swiftly moves on and turns to another unsuspecting girl in the class who couldn't have been happier to have the perfect student as her partner.

(Y/n) returns her stare back to the desk as she continues to work on the project alone, paying no mind to the bustle around. It wouldn't matter to her whether or not she was forcefully paired up with another student by the teacher or not. No matter what, it was inevitable she would be working with someone she'd rather not.

The ash-haired boy looks around the class with a content smile grazing across his face peacefully. A few of his classmates approach him with similar looks on their faces and offer their partnership to him which he can only kindly decline after he sees her sitting alone with seemingly no intent to move.

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