14; epilogue

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"So how have you been doing (L/n)-san?" The overly sweet and melodic voice asks out from across her, fingers wrapped tightly around a blue pen and she scribbles notes into her book.

The (h/c)-haired girls chest vibrates as she chuckled, shaking her head and clinging her lips before looking the older female in the eyes. "I've been doing well Kyouko-san. I had a small anxiety attack a few days ago but right now everything's well." Her summary of her feelings ends with a sweet smile, teeth flashing as she eyes the hot tea seated in her reach.

The older woman gestures to the tea, motioning the client to take it before carrying on with the weekly session. "That's great (L/n) really. I'm glad everything's been going good for you now. What about work? I understand it was difficult starting in a new workplace." A sigh escapes from the (e/c) eyed girls lips a small pout forming her face as she thinks over how to reply, "Well... It was hard meeting all the new people and having to remember too many names but I think everything went well."

Therapy. It was an odd idea when first thought of. One person talks feelings while the other takes them in, providing help when needed and walks away with a sum of money. It may be beneficial to some, providing an outlet and source for help while others deem it a useless privilege.

Elsewhere, a twenty-four-year-old usher's umbrellas of small children to the large from doors that seem to shrink with old age. The children flutter off running into the arms of their loved ones with beaming smiles and addictive giggles causing the abs haired boy to smile too.

It is a fitting job for the old caring vice-captain of Karasuno's boy's volleyball team- teaching and nurturing the next generation with loving eyes and a warm heart.

A familiar car drives up the small school road as the children began to leave with their careers, clearing a path for the teacher to walk to the small car with a goofy smile adorning his handsome face. The window slowly rolled down giving him the perfect view of the face he has come to know so well. "Hey beautiful, how was the session today?"

His arms rest on the bottom of the window, hands holding his face as he stares into (e/c) eyes with the lovesick expression he usually held, similar to that of a lovesick boy pining after the girl across the classroom.

"It was good! I was thinking we get some takeout for dinner though~" The clicking of the lock sounds out allowing him to open the car door, quickly stepping in and placing his bag behind him in the backseats. "Oh really?" He laughs out, eyes staring at the side of her face amusingly as she starts up the engine again.

"Yes really." She pouts playfully, fully aware of the eyes staring at her. "It's a deserving takeout." His hand moves to her thigh slowly, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb as she brings the car down the road, leading to their home.

"Well... When you put it like that I suppose we have no other option but to have takeout huh?" The two lovers meet eyes for a short moment before laughing in harmony together.

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