o7; choices

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The door closed quickly behind him with a bang, his hair falling over his wide eyes and his hand hovering over his beating heart. The boy could still not process what he had seen from behind the gates of his partners home with the stars as the only other witness. "Hey, sweetie is that your home?" An angelic woman's voice calls out to him from the living room to his left. His head peeks around the corner before he enters fully, allowing him to see his mother on the couch in full view, her hands holding tightly onto a cup of tea which fogs up the bottom of her large black glasses. A little boy sits on the floor at her feet, his hands holding two dolls dressed in frilly clothing as he waves them around and repositions their arms and legs into odd positions you'd see in magazines.

"I just made something quick for dinner tonight so you can reheat it in the microwave if you're hungry. I also saw we must have had a little guest earlier? Now, I hope you made them feel welcome sweetie because remember how important it is to-" Her hazel eyes turn around to see her oldest son standing at the entrance of the living room, his eyes are still wide with frazzled hair and a dazed look on his face. It was a look that she had never seen on her son's face, certainly not suiting his handsome features.

"Kōshi... What's wrong honey? Is something happening at school?" Her brain was flying through every possible reason why the boy in front of her could look so... scared. He moved his gaze from staring ahead to his mother, her now standing with her tea set on the table and her hand placed upon her chest, hovering over her heart as if the simple action alone with calm her racing nerves. Sugawara heaved a slight sigh, forcing a chuckle from his lips with the hopes of easing his mother's nerves.

"No mum, everything's fine... I'm just... Tired. I'll head to bed now. Uh, goodnight." He walked straight ahead past the seating area and up the stairs ahead, not sparing another glance at the woman who was still watching him with a curious gaze. As he disappeared from her view she ran a hand through her chestnut hair, mind still racing at what could have the usual calm yet wild boy so out of sorts.

"Mum! Look! I swapped their clothes." The young boy's voice snaps her from her thoughts before she could drown in them completely. Looking down to her side the young boy stares up at his mother with wide hazel eyes while holding his two dolls out for the show as if they're his greatest prize. "That's great, honey." She chuckles, raising her hand to ruffle his soft locks of hair.

Sitting back down onto the couch, her body sinking into the large pillows she raises her cup of tea to her soft lips once again returning her attention to the show on the screen. Whatever the issue was she trusts her son enough as if it was important... he would mention it.

Upstairs, the boy lays on his bed with troubled thoughts. Who was that woman? Is this what (Y/n) lives like? How could someone touch another human like that? And most importantly, What can I do to help?

His hand searches his pocket for his phone, once finding it holding it directly above his face and going to the small phone icon. His thumb repeatedly taps the same number three times in a perfect rhythm, then moving over to hover the large green button. The sweat lingered on his eyebrow as his hands became shakier and shakier. His mind was racing faster than any car with thoughts and scenarios; with why's and what if's. If he was to move his finger slightly it could change someone's life for better or for worse leaving him to question the odds and if it would all be worth it.

He had seen the videos shown in schools, the adverts and the TV shows based around these situations. Call and help they always said but how could he help if he wasn't sure there was a problem, and even at that, if this was a problem he could solve alone by one press of a single green button.

He clicks the button to the side of his phone causing his screen to turn black, his reflection showing. Sugawara harshly threw the phone to the pillow at his side allowing his hands to run over his face. Something was wrong. That much was certain to Sugawara. Whatever it was he must find out and whatever it is he must do his best to help.

The problem is how can you help someone who refuses you.

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