11; firsts

130 7 1

Sugawara and (F/n) have been much better than before. He would wave to her as he passed her small desk on the way to his in class and would even sit with her during lunch, encouraging her to join him and his friends every few days.

(F/n) hasn't talked to Rei since that day in the cafe, knowing their relationship would never be what it used to be. Rei was a young girl with ambitions and dreams, a loving family and a real chance at a future. (F/n) was a young girl who had already given up, an abusive family and a pessimistic view of the world.

The rain fell from the sky and bounced off of the pavement as the volleyball boys walked past the school gates and to the shop their coach resides in, preparing to coax their captain into buying them more food. The third year's walked behind the loud group, talking peacefully amongst each other. The ash-haired boy strolled with a contempt smile across his face, his eyes soft while his two friends walked at his sides.

A long-haired boy blushed slightly at the teasing of his friend, moving his hands to ruffle his hair slightly as he took it out of the usual bun it sat in. "The spider was huge! It's not my fault it scared me so much!" A large pout made the way to his face while he hugged himself and shivered at the thought of the 'large' spider which made its way to his feet during practice earlier that day. "What about Suga and that girl he's been talking to?"

Sugawara was quickly snapped out of his daydream as his friend called his name, "Huh?" His face easily showed how puzzled he was to his friends, causing the boy to his left to chuckle loudly, slapping his hand onto his friends back. "He was talking about your new friendship with (L/n)-san, Suga."

Sugawara nods in recognition, understanding why his friends might bring it up as a way to possibly tease him. "What about (F/n)-san?"

"Oh! First name basis now huh?" Another harsh slap is sent to Sugawara's back causing him to jump forward slightly and yelp in pain, earning the attention of a small middle blocker ahead. The redhead bounced towards his seniors, leaving an angry setter behind. "That girl seems nice Sugawara-san but she always looks a little angry at everything..." The boy looks up to his taller senior whose kind smile fades slightly at the sad truth.

Seeing his friend reaction, Sawamura grabs the first-year's shoulder lightly and pushes him ahead, "Hurry up now Hinata or you'll have to pay for your own meat buns!" The small boy's brown eyes widen as he turns to run ahead of his seniors to catch up to the rest of their group. Sugawara turns to his friend to send him a thankful smile, "Thanks for that Daichi..."

The captain sighs in disapproval of his friend and sends a glance to the ace walking beside them, his eyes holding nothing but worry for his friend. "Suga, what's going on with you and (L/n)-san? I'm glad she seems to be doing better but you seem stressed... She's not doing anything to you is she?" Surprised by his friend's sudden thoughts, Sugawara shakes his hands around quickly in disapproval. "Of course not Daichi!" He releases a loud sigh before turning his head ahead to watch the bustling of their junior, hurrying around each other as they waited for the others to catch up (waiting for their captain to pay for their food).

"It's just... There's some stuff going on with her I know about but I'm not sure how to help. She tells me not to bother doing anything but I can't just sit back and watch." The ace squints his eyes at his friend, slight relief showing on his face hearing the strange girl isn't doing anything to his friend. He speaks out quietly, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't think I should say honestly," The boy brings his finger to rub his cheek, "It's pretty personal and I didn't think she would like it if I shared her information out like that."

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