10; meeting

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The boy sat queerly behind his teacher's desk, hands folded neatly into his lap as he waited for her to put her phone down. Small mumbles of agreement and the distorted voice of someone on the other line were all he could hear over the dead silence as everyone else had left school before.

With one final goodbye, the older woman places her phone down and picks up her blue pen, pulling the lip off between her teeth only to set it down on the desk. "So what was it you wanted to see me after school for Sugawara?" Her voice gave away her age instantly with the small crackle between each letter. Her short bobbed black hair fell slightly over the top of her glasses and stayed flat to her forehead from the layers of hairspray she applied that morning.

The nervous boy glanced down at his hands with a troubled look stretched across his face, absentmindedly chewing on his inner cheek. "I've got some issues with a friend and I'm not sure what to do." He finally speaks out over the defending silence, the guidance teacher only nodding at his words while the pen stayed limp in her cold hands.

"Okay... What issues?" She was used to dealing with the usual 'teenager problems' that came through the doors to her office. Troubling breakups, arguments between friends and students stressed due to exams or assignments. To her, there was nothing else too important or worrying that an eighteen-year-old would have to go through.

The boy sighs before finally looking up to meet the brown eyes of the teacher, his words strong. "They're going through some family issues Ms." Of course, Sugawara knew what he was doing. Seeking help from a guidance teacher without (F/n)'s knowledge and sharing her information without permission would make her lose all trust in him and possibly most others. He makes sure to be careful with his words, trying not to give away who this person could be until he knows what will be done.

"Well if it's family issues then isn't that private?" The teacher waves her hand at the boy in a dismissing manner, her eyes scrutinising him causing him to squirm in the uncomfortable chair he sat in. "Listen, I understand you're worried about your friend it sometimes it's better for people to handle it themselves, okay?"

Coming to the last resort he spoke out hurriedly, "I'm worried about their safety with them Ms." This small sentence catches the teachers attention, her eyes having a more understating look to them which only surprises the boy more, especially after she says "It's (L/n) isn't it."

His eyes widen in shock as his jaw opens, disbelieving in the words coming from her and his pale fingers gripping into the arms rests on the chair. "Wait... You know about this?"

"(L/n) has come to me before regarding family issues but after involvement from organisation and police has always been turned away." She begins, her finger beginning to type away on the computer to her right as if speaking of a student in their situation being a normal occurrence. "Neighbours have called because of noise issues and such too but nothing has been done." She sighs, her hands stopping their noisy movement and instead, hovering over the keys yet keeping her eyes onto the bright screen. "There's nothing that can be done for (L/n) yet because no one is taking it seriously-"

"And why aren't they taking it seriously Ms?" He interrupts her causing her head to snap towards him. "Watch your tone with me boy." Her words held nothing but venom while he stayed unmoving glaring at the older woman with disgust as he losses all respect he may have had for her.

"This is adult stuff, Sugawara. There are processes and evaluations and courts. This isn't child's play, this is real life. If something happens to her we'll help but this is work for the police and they've already turned her away."

"So we have to wait till she gets hurt to get help?" His strong tone has now faded into nothing but a whisper, his hands losing their from the chair and his shoulders slumping down, losing his fight.

The teacher sighs and moves to type away once again, "I'm afraid so Sugawara. Now you better hurry home. You're on the volleyball team correct? They're doing splendidly so far! Get home and rest up mhmm?"

 You're on the volleyball team correct? They're doing splendidly so far! Get home and rest up mhmm?"

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