o5; first study

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The loud smack of the gym doors banging against the wall echoed throughout the gym, alerting those inside of the new arrivals. The ash-haired boy stood with his usual bright smile while the girl next to him clings onto her bag as she gazed around the unfamiliar place which was home to many. The air was thick with sweat and passion which radiated off of the boys in the gym who were already beginning to practice their sport. A certain member of the team stood tall with an aura of leadership flowing around him. He watched with wary eyes as his friend entered the gym with a familiar girl, ones he's heard a lot about.

To Sawamura Daichi, she was an odd character. Someone he would give a curt nod to while walking in the halls without expecting so much of a glance in return. An odd character, yet one his best friend seemed too invest in learning about. He knew of Sugawara's fascination with her; similar to that of a reader investigating between the lines of the odd background character, desperate to find what makes them tick. Sawamura was wary of the girl next to his friend, knowing how Sugawara can be in wanting to help people or start friendships without thinking about the consequences.

The third-year setter leads the girl to the man sitting on one of the benches. His knees apart while his elbows rest on them, holding his chin up with his hands. (E/c)-eyes widen at the sight of him, knowing that she will need to find yet another shop if her past disguise wasn't up to standards. "Hi, coach! I've brought a friend here so we can work on our class project together during a break. Is that okay?" Without even so much of a glance to the girl and instead focusing his eyes on the line of boys ahead setting the ball over the net he nods his head once.

Sugawara leads (Y/n) to bench on the opposite side, not wanting her to be in the direction of any oncoming balls that may harm her. Of course, (Y/n) can notice all these small details straight to how he lays out his jersey for her to sit on and the way he hides her from the stares of his teammates. "Is this okay here? I'll be coming back now and then during breaks to help out."

He sends one last smile to her before taking a step towards the gym doors again, ready to go an get changed so he can begin participating in the warmups. "I'm not your friend." He manages to catch the small mumble from the girl seated on the floor behind him. Her voice laced with undertones of disgust and venom that most wouldn't be able to pick up on. One glance is all she receives before he walks out of the doors again.

So far drowning in her own deep thoughts she fails to hear or see the incoming captain. He sends her a warm smile and bends down on one knee to be on her eye level as she sits cross-legged on the gym floor. "Hey, (L/n)-san right? Suga told me you'll be coming for some of our practices to work together so you're welcome anytime." He ends his speech with a smile, slightly faltering after he only gets a curt nod from the (h/c)-haired girl in return before she continues to write down notes for their project.

Minutes pass before the classmate enters through the gym doors again. He sends a wave to the girl as he sees her glance up to him and seems to earn a small wave in return, her hand only being held up straight awkwardly while the other clutched onto her pen. Her hand continues to scribble down various notes that scatter around the page with small drawings and symbols decorated around. Sawamura walks over to his vice-captain and gives him a single pat on the shoulder and a small smile.

Hours pass to the sounds of the squeaking of shoes against the floor and the balls smacking against the hands of the schoolboys'. The whistle blows in two short bursts from the lips of their coach who quickly gives each boy a few words before allowing them all the leave. The light outside is still visible yet the rising moon and dark clouds quickly darken the earth.

From the corner of her eye as she packs her bag the familiar head of ash hair walks towards her in a light skip. "Hey (L/n)-san. I'm sorry I couldn't help out much but we can go to the library if it's still open to work for a few more hours? We could always go to one of our-"

She quickly cuts off his ranting while beginning to stand, her hand holding onto the wall for support. "I don't mind going to the library for another hour or two since it's still pretty light out." Walking almost shoulder to shoulder towards the gym doors he gives her a large smile before heading towards the stairs leading to their club room.

"Well... I'll get changed now if you don't mind waiting a minute. I'll get changed quickly I promise!" Without even waiting for a reply from his project partner he races up the stairs knowing he'll only receive a nod or short 'yes' in return.

The club room door shuts hastily as the setter makes his way to his place beside his two third-year friends, both of which send him a quick smile before going back to changing. Seeing their senpai in such a rush the rowdy libero can't help but speak up with a slight chuckle. "You going somewhere?" The setter only sends him a kind smile, a familiar sight for the boys of karasuno's volleyball team. "I'm going to study in the library with a classmate of mine for a project. Don't want to keep them waiting!"

Once again, before waiting a reply he shuts the room door, his clothes still not fully packed away in his back and his shirt messily hanging over his school trousers. The short libero speaks up once again, "What's that all about Daichi-san?" The captain only keeps his eyes on the door his friend just ran from. His eyes dull and emotionless.

"Captain?" The sounds of the first-year's voice bring him out of his whirlwind of thoughts just in time before he began to slowly drown. "Suga is just excited to spend time with (L/n)-san. He's been wanting to for a while now." The orange-headed boy bounces in front of his captain, his shirt still not fully buttoned allowing his undershirt to peek through slightly. "Does Suga-san like her?"

The captain shakes his head with a small chuckle as he pulls his arms through the hole of his shirt. "No, no I don't think so. Suga is a caring guy. I think he just sees her as someone he can help..."

Rushing down the stairs Sugawara runs up to the awaiting girl, her hands lazily hanging in the pocket of her jumper. "That was quick." The boy giggles and rubs he back of his neck with his hand, a small blush adorning his usually pale cheeks. "Yeah, well I didn't want to keep you waiting. Let's go, better hope the library isn't closed yet."

Of course, to their disappointment, the closed sign was plastered on the large library doors. A sigh escapes both of their lips as they realise their walk there was pointless, only to have to go home now without properly studying together. "We could go to one of our houses (L/n)-san?" His voice can hardly be heard over the whistling of the wind blowing through their hair.

"Can we go to your house then?"

"Can we go to your house then?"

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