Part 35 : Americans...

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Roger lead me down the hallway my heels echoing on the floor passing rooms full of pussing people "I'm taking you to see Sally, She's kinda like our Q" he says

"Q?" I asked very confused as he reached a door scanning his card

"You never seen james bond?"


"Well, she's our head for the tools division for our soviet investigation team" he explained as the door locked tighter and refused us entry "Ohh fucking stupid thing!" he complained "Hey sally! It's locked me out again!" he complained to the door

"Coming!" a female voice answered before the door opened revealing a larger long blonde haired woman with a pair of glasses sat on her nose "Come on in" she says he pushed me inside so I followed this woman as she lead me though a bunch of desks and tools before sitting at a desk "This the one you told me about?"

"Yes sally"

"Ummm I would adore to crack your head open" she says

"I'm sorry?"
"An expression dear, I've spent the best part of my life trying to get information, a lot of what I need I bet a good dollar you've got in your head" she says "sorry, I suppose you want your tools and info for Project Gambit?"

"Project gambit?"

"You're chess players, I thought it worked" she shrugged "The plan is... in very basic terms is we agree to a a trade, that's enough to get you and a security over to Moscow to get Mr watts"
"How do we even know he's alive?" I asked holding back tears

"Becuase sweetheart, there not stupid. They want you back home and they are not going to kill the only thing that might actually bring you there" she says "They agreed to it didn't they?"

"Loosely, Casak won't let it be that straightforward"

"Well its you set it up, now quiet down we got four hours to get you on a plane"

"Then isn't bringing me there a bad Idea?"

"You want your Hubby back or not?"

"... yes" I said fiddling with the ring on my finger while I hid it in my pocket

"Right, for secretive Purposes, we refer to this only as Operation Or Project Gambit. Your Name is Ballerina, His is King. So you want your tools?" she asks and I nodded "simple ones first, radio watch, Mini camera, tracking hairpin," she explained putting each on the table the next was a lipstick

"Let me guess... Laser Lipstick?" I asked

"No, Just a lipstick you may need to change your appearance fast, I've been telling them for years to use girls, make up is a quick change and we're all good at it" she explained "Twist the bottom, for distress call" she explained before putting one final item on the table "Emergency compact" she says

"Emergency? What kind of emergency?" I asked and she looked upset a moment

"If... The worst case happens. And something goes wrong. We don't want to lose information to the wrong hands" she explained opening the compact revealing a mirror and a blush with a small application puff, "You need a way out" she says pressing a button close to the blush making it twist off revealing a compartment with two green pills

"What are those?" I asked

"cyanide" Roger finished "One each incase you run into trouble. As a final resort"

"One for me?" I began my hands shaking

"And one for benny sweetheart" she says
"Okay" I nodded wiping away my tears "Anything else?" I asked

"You willing to wear a wire?" Roger asks


"A Weapon?"




"Are you willing to take a emergency kit? With little tools just in case?"

"What kind of emergency kit?"

"We make two" sally began "One we can roll up in case and use as a suppository, or we can slight ulter a similar product for you to use as a tampon"

"Oh my god, o, ty ne mozhesh' byt'," I sighed "Americans...." I complained 

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Where stories live. Discover now