Chapter Three: Adventures in Babysitting

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Knock knock knock!

Jenny got up from the couch and opened her living room window to see Nova flying there. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for the bucket headed hero to show up at the window anymore. In fact, when he didn't show up for a few days, Jenny would get worried.

"You know, you could just stop locking the window." Sam said, detransforming back into his normal clothes. "You know this is how I normally get in."

"Or you could just go to my front door like a normal person." Jenny scoffed.

Sam folded his arm, "The wrath of the last Nova does not use doors."

Jenny tossed him the remote, plopping down on the couch once again. "Alright wrathof the last Nova, you can watch whatever, I gotta finish this work before three."

Sam studied a folder in his normal seat, "So you work at a school? Aren't you a bit young to be a teacher?" Sam thought for a moment, "Although that would be hot-,"

Jenny shook her head, "No, no, I help this lady on the floor below me. She's an elementary school teacher with three kids, so she falls behind on her grading. Sometimes I babysit the kids, right now I'm helping her grade some tests for her students."

Sam looked a bit shocked, "Oh, thats really nice of you. Do you need any help?"

"No, I think I'm fine, I've already finished some of these, there's only like twenty tests left, I just have to give them to her by three."

Sam watched as Jenny was going through each paper, but she seemed to be rushing. It was about one-thirty, she'd never get done in time. He picked up a highlighter and a test, sitting on the floor next to her and began grading.

"Hey, you don't have to help, I'm fine handling this."

Sam shook his head, "Faster we get this done, faster we can hang out." And Sam was right, they finished a lot quicker, which meant Sam could ask Jenny questions now. "So, tell me about the kids you babysit."

"Well, Mrs.Bay has two daughters and a son, the girls are five and six, her son is four. Their names are Elizabeth, Stephanie, and Zachary. They're sweet kids, but they're also a little... rambunctious."

Sam laughed, "Is that a fancy word for they're little goblins?"

"No of course not! They just have a lot of energy and they need to learn sharing a bit better. I have a box of toys in the closet that the girls don't play with anymore and they all fight over them. When there's enough for everyone though they're all really sweet."

Sam admired the way Jenny talked about kids, leaning on his arms that were crossed on the table and watching her talk.

Knock knock knock!

"Oh! That should be Mrs.Bay, she's an hour early." Jenny scooped up all the papers and Sam grabbed the grading binders, following Jenny to the door.

Jenny opened up the door, "Hi Mrs.Bay! Hi muffins!" A stressed out looking woman with light brown hair came to the door with a bag and her three kids.

"Hi Jenny!" A small blonde girl clung to Jenny's leg. "Look, Mommy said I got taller!"

"Oooh, you did Lizzie, you're gonna be taller than me one day!"

"Nuh uh, I'm gonna be taller." A little girl with brown hair hugged Jenny's other leg.

"Jenny pick me up!" A little boy demanded from the floor.

"I can't right now Zach, I have to give Mommy her work papers!"

Zach looked like he was about to about to cry when Jenny rejected him. Sam acted quickly, putting the binders under one of his arms, and scooped Zach up with the other. "Here you go champ, we're taller than everyone now!"

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now