Chapter Fourteen: Girls Day

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The Ultimates, along with Jennifer Fury all walked into the training room. Nova had his arm around Jenny as she spoke to White Tiger and eventually distracted her witha kiss on the cheek.

"Feel free to sit this one out Kitty, there's not gonna be much you can do today now that I'm here." Nova bragged.

White Tiger glared at him, "Don't get cocky just because Jenny's here. I'll take you and the LMDs down."

"Sam, don't be mean to Ava," Jenny scolded. She reached out to her friend, "And if you want to, you could sit with me. I know you work hard and I would love some girl talk."

"Thats a good idea Jenny. Ava, you've been putting in a lot of work lately." Powerman nodded to his friend, "It might be good to take a break."

White Tiger shook her head, "I don't wanna get sloppy like Buckethead over here."

"Hey!" Nova exclaimed.

"Besides, Jenny and I can hang out whenever, just not during training." White Tiger crossed her arms.

"Taking a little break won't kill you, Ava." Spiderman pointed out.

"In fact, you might feel good if you do." Iron Fist said, "Your energy is off today, you seem tired. A break may be what you need."

"Not interested. Like I said, Jenny and I can hang out afterward." White Tiger said.

Nick Fury entered the room, "Actually White Tiger, your team is right. Your hours have gone up significantly, and while that's great, you need to rest. Have a seat with my daughter."

White Tiger sighed, "Yes Director Fury."

Jenny put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Hey, if it makes you feel better, Sam dragged me away from homework to come be here. Trust me, a little break is okay."

"I guess-."

Nova pulled Jenny in for a kiss and then flew into the pit, "Enjoy the show."

Jennifer pushed him off, blushing. "Yeah yeah, go train."

"Personally, I don't get how you put up with him." White Tiger admitted as the two sat down.

Jenny looked confused, "Put up with him?"

White Tiger nodded, "I mean, he's at your house all the time. And if he's not there, he wishes he was."

Jennifer shrugged, "I like his company. He's a good conversationalist, charismatic, and a sweet guy. There isn't anything to 'put up with'. "

White Tiger sighed, "Jenny, I'm telling you, Sam is kind of..."

"Childish?" Jennifer offered, "Trust me, I know. But he's sweet and he always has good intentions, so I don't mind it. The only thing that doesn't help is he's kind of... reckless."

"And other words come to mind, like cocky, brash, self centered, attention hog." White Tiger listed.

Nova flew up to their eye level. "Hey Jenny, watch this!" He then flew down and continued to blow up some of the bots he was fighting. ZAP! ZAP ZAP! ZAP ZAP ZAP! Nova shot blasts of energy at an LMD currently taking the form of Vulture. Down the android fell and Nova blew a kiss to his grilfriend.

White Tiger pointed to her team mate, "Take this as a prime example."

Jenny shyly waved at her boyfriend, "Hey, he just wants someone to be proud of him is all."

White Tiger shrugged, "I guess. You actually have a good affect on him. Whenever you're around he does a lot better, and partially takes the job more seriously."

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now