Chaptet Four: Intimacy

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Nova shot three beams of energy at Spider-man, pushing him into a corner. It was training day in the heroes last class, and the students had found themselves loving to see who could be the last one standing amongst the teams. All that was left was Spider-man, Agent Venom, White Tiger, and Nova himself, and the rule was three hits and you're out.

"Come on Webs! You can't make winning this easy!" Nova mocked. "Kicking your ass is no fun if you don't try!"

"Getting too easy for ya Sam?" Venom called, missiles popping up on his shoulders, "I bet I could help with that!"

Shit. Sam instantly flew up, just barely dodging the tirade of missles sent at him. Fortunately for our bucket headed hero, Venom only uses half his brain cells and was able to knock Spider-man out of the game.

"Whoops, my bad man!" Venom yelled to his friend.

"No problem bud! But you may wanna duck!" Spiderman said, swinging out of the deep pit in the room where the students trained.

Venom looked confused, "Wait, I should wh-,"

"HIYA!" White Tiger jumped onto Agent Venom, scratching him once, twice, before getting launched off. Nova chuckled and laughed watching the two fight, taking out his phone and snapping a picture.

"Get down here Sparky, the fight's not over!" Ava demanded.

Sam rolled his eyes, tucking his phone away, "Alright, alright, whatever you say." He instantly flew down, and within seconds delivered the final blow to Agent Venom.

As the black and white hero left the arena, Sam instantly wished he had kept Venom in, at least that'd be an easier win. Within minutes, Ava had scratched Sam on the chest, once to the face, and ended her assault with a jump kick to his face.

Nova slid across the floor in defeat, groaning. The students all cheered for White Tiger, and as they got out of the pit, Nova suddenly felt like garbage.

"You know, if you spent more of your free time training instead of flying off, you might actually be able to beat me." Ava pointed out as Sam left the room, following him. "As a matter of fact, where do you even go?"

"Ava's got a point," Spiderman massaged his shoulder, "You leave after classes end and don't come back till six or seven, where are you going?"

"You know their is a thing called privacy Webs, I happen to value mine." Sam said, flying to his locker.

Power man gave him an eyebrow, "This from the guy who has four folders on his laptop of blackmail photos on us?"

The group all walked to the dorms, Sam floating around and texting on his phone.

"And you're always texting now." Peter pointed out, flopping on his bed, "What has got your head so deep in space?" When he got no response, Spidey looked at a captivated Sam, "You're not even listening are you?"

"No, I stopped listening when you introduced yourself to me two years ago." Sam deadpanned, sending out a text.

"Ha-ha." Spiderman forced our, less than amused, "You seriously gotta up your training game dude, you seem so eager to rush off at the end of the day that you don't even hang out with the team anymore. I wiped all your scores clean off of Hero Death Mania because you haven't been playing games all month."

Sam shrugged, "Good for you."

Everyone's head cocked back as they looked at each other in surprise, where did the Sam who would've stayed up until three a.m. to beat Peter go?

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now