Chapter Twelve: Dad

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Sam had been slacking off a bit lately when it came to work. It wasn't intentional, he had just been a bit distracted. His phone had always had something more interesting on it.

Like Jennifer Fury's number.

However, Sam did his best to keep what he was doing on the DL. No texting during any of the Whizzer's classes, he always got caught. Same thing with Widow and Hawkeye, and he couldn't afford to buy another cell phone if it got shot out of his hand.

During the Academy's break between classes, Spiderman and the rest of the Ultimate team came up to a love-sick Nova in the halls.

"Texting Jenny again?" White Tiger asked, going into her locker.

Sam nodded, "Her physics class is boring."

"You know you should let her focus during classes." White Tiger scolded, "Or she'll end up with worse grades than you, no matter how good she is."

Nova rolled his eyes, "Alright Prissy Kitty, one, I'm not dumb. Second, Jenny's a super hard worker, gets straight A's. She can afford a little slack off every now and then."

"Eh, Ava still has a point." Powerman nodded, "I get you like her and all, but there's no way she's able to text you nonstop and still do that well. Nobody's that good."

Sam scoffed, "Maybe nobody you know, but my girl could pass that class with her eyes closed-."

"Who are you talking about Nova?" A voice asked from behind him.

Nova jumped at the question. "Fury! Um, just talking about a friend who, um, takes this dance class in the city."

Fury raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yep! She's really good, I was just telling the group about how good she is, right guys?" Nova prompted.

"Super good!" Spiderman agreed.

Ava panicked and also agreed, "Yeah, she's the best!"

"Very talented." Iron Fist followed.

Powerman gave a nod in response, and Fury seemed to shrug it off. "Well if she's that good maybe that 'friend' can help you get focused and more coordinated. You need to put in some extra training hours, you're taking a longer time to complete your LMD sessions."

Nova saluted, "You got it."

Once Fury left, White Tiger closed her locker. "You know at some point he's going to find out, you might as well tell him."

"The truth will set you free my friend, the constant secret keeping is only further restricting your freedom." Iron Fist enlightened. "And freedom is as essential as breathing."

"Thank you Fortune Cookie and Nine Lives, I will definitely keep that in mind." Nova said with a half sarcastic tone.

Even though Nova brushed it off, he did keep his team's advice in mind the rest of the day. The only worrying part about the entire relationship was Nick Fury. Sam and Jenny hadn't quite told her dad they were dating, so they were a bit more careful with each other. This was fine at first for Sam, he didn't want to deal with telling Fury and dealing with it going completely public to the Triskellion. But when Sam came in through the window after classes that day, he had a bit of a different mindset.

"Hey Babe," Jenny greeted with a quick kiss on the cheek, "So did you decide if you want to stay in or go out? We could start Uncharted or we could go get something to eat. I know you're always hungry after class."

Nova put a hand behind his head nervously, "Um, I was thinking we go out."

Jenny took out her phone, "Okay sweet, where do you want to go?"

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now