Chapter Five: Exclusive

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"Jenny! I'm leaving for the Tri now! Would you mind handling errands today?" Jade yelled from down the steps. The ruby girl had been shadowing her father at S.H.I.E.L.D., and she was about to be late.

"Yeah, no worries! Have a good day at work!" Jenny quickly threw herself together, and she knew if Jax was at home, she'd tell her she looked like their mother with her quick pony-tail, blue button up, and jeans.

Just as Jenny grabbed her car keys from her room vanity, she heard a knock. She ran over to the window and opened it.

"Hey Sam, I'm sorry but I-," Mwah! Jenny stopped to give a small smile at the normal greeting kiss Sam gave as he came in through the window.

"Hey Pix." Sam said, taking off his helmet and putting it on the table. He sat down on the normal spot on the couch, "Ready to watch Hell's Kitchen?"?

Jenny shook her head as she grabbed her small purse from the table, "I have to run errands, groceries and stuff, sorry."

Sam pouted, he wasn't ready to leave yet and he hadn't been back in two days, "Well can I come? I really don't feel like extra-training with Ava today, she gets super competitive when it comes to extra credit."

Jenny nodded, "Sure, I could use the extra hands."

"Sweet, maybe I'll make us something to eat when we get back." Sam popped up, threw his helmet in the back seat, and he and Jenny drove to the supermarket. The ride was fun and quick, they jammed to music from the nineties and sang along to the radio.

"You are the youngest old person I've ever met." Sam groaned.

"I am not!" Jenny argued. "I'm sorry I'm not poisoning my body and giving myself diabetes by eating that sugary garbage."

Sam leaned on the basket, "Its not poison, its Lucky Charms. Raisin Bran is for old people."

"Whatever, do you want anything?" Jenny said, grabbing her sisters each a box of their choice cereals. When she got no response, she turned her head, "Sam?"

"Oh I'm not flirting I'm just being nice to someone who I think is pretty, thats all." Jenny had turned her head to see Sam talking to a small blonde girl wearing a pink sweater.

"I bet you say that to every girl." She waved, still giggling.

"He does." Jenny tapped his side, "Come on Sam, we need to go, we've got more stuff to grab."

Sam nodded and winked at the girl he was talking to before following Jenny. He noticed that Jenny seemed to look slightly annoyed, lip slightly poked out as she pushed her basket.

"Hey, you alright there Pixie?" He nudged her side.

Jenny cracked a smile at the nickname and shook her head, "Yeah, I'm fine. Whats next on the list?"

Sam had insisted he hold onto the list of items they needed to get, "Um, we got the cereal, so next you need some milk, eggs, butter, and the yogurt."

Jenny nodded and the pair walked over to the diary aisle. "What do you think Sam, peach or strawberry-?" Goddammit. Jenny just threw the yogurt in the basket, irritated.

Yet again, Sam was busy talking to another girl, this time a short brunette who couldn't be taller than five-foot- nothing.

"Thanks for the help." The girl said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Of course, there's no way I could let a pretty girl like yourself struggle to grab her stuff-," Sam stopped talking when he saw Jenny pushing the basket away and walking away from him. "Hey, wait up!"

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now