Chapter Nine: Bickering

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"Jen, can I ask you something?" Jax looked up at her sister. It was a quiet day for the girls. Only Jenny and Jax were in the house, and Jax had been laying on Jenny's lap while she read a book.

"Sure what's-,"

Knock knock knock!


"Oww! Jenny!" Jax called. Jenny had jumped up to answer the knocking, making Jax fall onto the floor.

"Oh, sorry Jax, here let me-," Jenny helped her sister up on the floor.

Knock knock knock!

Jenny ran over to the window and let Sam in. "Hey Pixie," The two exchanged a kiss before he looked down at the floor, "Whats up loser?"

"Nothing much virgin." Jax shot back as she stood up. Jenny didn't bat an eye at it, instead she shook her head at it in amusement. This was a standard greeting between the two, nothing Jenny could do.

In fact, this was a pretty typical day for the Fury household. Sam had come over to the constant protest of Jax, Jenny's younger but taller sister, pretending to not enjoy his company. Even though the two constantly bickered, it was a pretty peaceful time.

"I bet I could knock you out."

"Eh, only if you can reach me."

"You're an inch shorter than me!"

"But I can fly."

"Not if I knock you out."

"Will you two ever get along?"

Sam chuckled from his spot next to her on the couch, "Come on Jen, we're just playing."

"Yeah, you can't just bring someone here and expect me not to want to fight. Its apart of me." Jax laid across the chair.

Jenny sighed, "Come lay on the couch, you're sitting in the chair wrong."

Jax obliged, walking over and laying on her couch, plopping her head down onto Jenny's legs.


"Oww!" Jax barked from the floor, brushing her thick hair out of her face, "What was that for?" She had looked up to see Sam's head in her spot on her sister's lap.

Sam stuck his tongue out at her, "This spot is mine."

"I was here first! That's my spot!" Jax argued, going to push him, but he blocked her hit.

"Well I'm here now, live with it."

"I'm her favorite. Scooch." Jax ordered. Jenny noticed she seemed to be more irritable at the moment, her tone had toughened up a lot.

Sam wrapped his arms around Jenny's legs and squeezed Jenny's thighs. "Well I'm the new favorite."

Jenny stood up to Sam's dismay, "Listen, if you two can't get along, neither or you can lay on me."

"Jenny!" Sam whined, reaching for her to come back.

"Nope. I'm going to get some iced tea. You two want anything?" Jennifer asked.

"I want my girlfriend to come back and love me." Sam pouted.

"And I want the loser on my couch to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and quit stealing my spot." Jax folded her arms, "And chocolate chip ice cream."

"I'm her boyfriend. Her thighs are mine to use as pillows!"

Jenny left the two in the living room to grab drinks. Suddenly, the volume of the two's voices started escalating.

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now