Chapter Eight: Official

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Jenny sat in her art class, bored of water colors and took a chance at texting while in class. And who else to help her goof off but our very own bucket head?

Sam♡: your school sounds so prissy
Pixie♡: oh shut up at least my school isn't getting blown up every five minutes
Sam♡: fair enough. when do you go on lunch break?
Pixie♡: 12:30, not looking forward to it at all
Pixie♡: school is good, but food is garbage
Sam♡: That sucks ):( what are you in the mood for?
Pixie♡: mac and cheese :( its ok though I'll get to eat eventually
Five minutes later
Pixie♡: Sam?

"Jennifer Campbell!" The teacher barked, "Unless you're researching references for your piece, please put your phone away."

Jenny jumped at the suddenness, she never had to have been told that. "Oh, sorry Ma'am, won't happen again."

A small brown haired girl bumped Jenny, "Who're you talking to?"

Jenny cracked a smile, "I got taken on this amazing date with this great guy, I was complaining about being hungry-,"

"My Jenny went on a date? Thats amazing!"

"Marecline, Jennifer, please," The teacher called her, "Gossip about your dates after my class, I want those watercolors done by Monday ladies."

"Yes ma'am." They said in unison. Marecline whispered, "You gotta spill at lunch though."

"Of course." Jenny whispered back.
"And then he brought me fresh crepes and fruit for breakfast." Jenny bragged.

"That's so sweet Jen. He sounds amazing." Jenny had been sitting with some of her friends from school around their usual table on Monday, two days after the date, and the girls couldn't help but coo at the idea of Jennifer going on such a sweet date.

"And you two didn't...ya know?" Marecline winked at Jennifer.

Jenny blushed, "No, no, he came and dropped off food because he had something to do."

"What type of car was it?" A perky brunette asked.

"Marceline, you don't ask those questions." The previous girl scolded as she pushed back her dark dreadlocks, "That's incredibly rude."

"Come on, you know I love them." Marceline argued with a mouthful of food.

Freddie shook her head, "It still sounds rude. And don't talk with your mouthful."

"Sorry Freddie." Marcy muttered, playing with her fingers. "Sorry Jenny."

Jenny waved it away, "That's alright Marce, I know you like cars. And we drove my car, his um, had some trouble." Of course, Jenny couldn't tell the girls that they didn't take a car but flew across the city. Besides, even if she could, she didn't think she would, she wanted to keep it herself. "I felt so small, he's a bit taller than me."

"Jenny, you're like five-four everyone is taller than you." Her dark haired Freddie pointed out.

"Well jeez, excuse me for wanting to enjoy the fact that I found a cute guy taller than me who takes me on nice dates and makes me crepes." Jennifer defended, folding her arms and pouting.

Marcy's eyes darted around for a moment, "But Jenny, remind me again what he looks like? Is he cute?"

Jenny nodded excitedly, "The cutest, he's got this short black hair and these striking green eyes that I love to look at, and-,"

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now