Chapter Six: I want-

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"I thought you said you and Jenny weren't dating." Spider-man pointed out.

"We weren't." Sam covered his face with his pillow, hating himself.

Ava had the boys sit down beside her, "Hey, come sit down, explain it to us. Maybe we could help?"

Sam looked down, "Really?"

Peter nodded, "Yeah of course, you're our friend. Let us help you."

Sam flew down and sat in the square and he started spilling from the very first encounter of him and Jennifer Fury.

"Honey! I'm home!" Jade announced smiling. Her smile faded once she saw Jenny laying on the couch, pouting. "Hey, whats wrong Peaches? You look sad."

Jenny sat her head up and let her sister set it on her lap. Jenny didn't protest as he her hair was brushed over. "Are you having a bad day today?" Jade asked softly.

"I told Sam he couldn't come over anymore or do anything I like anymore because he doesn't want to date me." Jenny sadly explained.

"Bucket head said he didn't want to date you?" Jade raised both her eyebrows, "That idiot, I'll-,"

"No you won't." Jenny said, sitting up, "I kind of rejected him before he could say anything. He flirted with other girls like I just don't exist. It made me feel bad."

Jade tipped her head to the side, "Did he feel bad? Like did he do it to upset you?"

"No, he looked sad when he noticed I was mad at him." Jenny shook her head, picking up her phone. "Maybe I should text him. I was a bit harsh."

Jade shrugged, "All of you guys have such dramatic lives. Its weird."

"Oh whatever, you're just mad that your life is boring." Jenny shot back.

"You're an idiot."


"No, he's right." Sam had sat in a little square with his fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. students, and he had told them everything that happened between him and Jenny; and so far, only Peter was really going easy on him.

"Come on Peter, you can't honestly say he should've expected better. Flirting with other girls while you're with a girl, especially one who you have feelings for?" Ben scoffed, "Yeah, I don't know how you expected that to go."

Sam laid on his back, "I mean, she didn't make it clear she was interested. She didn't exactly say, 'Hey Sam let's go on a date'." He kept tapping on his phone, "And I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about her yet."

Ben turned up an eyebrow, "Dude, so you spend over an hour at her house almost every day, kiss her when you get there and before you leave, she let's you nap on her, you babysit kids together, and you're always texting her. What did you think what happening?"

Ava nodded, "Ben's right. In all my time of knowing you, you've never acted like this for very long. You've been going out to see Jenny for a little over a month now. You probably have a cru-,"

"Don't say it!" Sam covered his face with his hands.

"Why not, afraid of a few butterflies and kisses Sammy?" Peter teased.

Sam sighed, "No, I'm afraid of her saying no. She just got so upset at me and I did something really dumb. If I say I have a crush on her, I have to deal with that."

"Well we gotta bounce." Ava said, grabbing her backpack, "Peter, Danny, and I are headed to Aunt May's."

"And I'm going out with with the other Web Warriors to get something to eat. Good luck with your girl problems." Scarlet waved.


Sam quickly unlocked his phone. 1 new message.

Jenny: hey I'm sorry that I yelled at you. Didn't mean to be mean
Sam: so can I come back over?
Jenny: if you do I still meant what I said, no pixie calling, no kissing, nothing.
Sam: alright, ill be over in 15

Sam flew out the window, happy to be able to go back. He started wondering what would happen, but he tried not to focus on that. All he wanted to do was get back to where he belonged.

The window was shut and the curtains were drawn. He tried to knock, it didn't work. Eventually he flew up to the roof of the building and walked down, having to use the door. Alright, have to just be her friend. Can't let my feelings bother her.

When Jenny opened it he smiled a charming smile at her, "Hey P- um, Jenny. What do you wanna do?"

She nodded for him to come sit down, and he did, trying to give her space. His heart picked up, he wasn't paying attention to Hell's Kitchen, not at all. Sam couldn't focus on the show when Jenny was sitting too far but too close.

"Her food looks so undercooked that it's almost alive." Sam joked.

Jenny giggled, "If I were as alive as that lobster she's messing up, I think I'd snap at her. At least if you're gonna kill something to eat, cook it right."

The two laughed as they watched Gordon Ramsey absolutely the girl with the badly cooked seafood. Sam smiled as he saw Jenny pushing her hair back and laughing. She's so pretty.

Sam slight scooted toward her, paying close to her body language. He paid close attention to her shaky hands, she looked upset.

Jenny tried to still her hands, she wanted to reach out to Sam, but-.


Sam interlaced his fingers with Jenny's. He tipped his head toward her, "Are you okay?"

Jenny sighed. "No." she pulled their fingers apart. "Sam, we can't do this anymore. This is hard." Jenny shook her head.

Sam looked confused, "I thought we were having fun. Did I do something wrong?"

Jenny shook her head, "No, you haven't done anything wrong, I really like you. But hanging I thought would be fine, even holding my hand so it stops shaking...Sam, I want a real romantic relationship and I really like you. And we had fun, but I want something that lasts. Doing this is a reminder of what I can't have."

Sam's heart felt like it split in two for a second before he nodded. He had so much to say, but wasn't sure how to put it yet. Sam could tell not knowing was hurting Jenny, and he never mean to do that. Instead of yelling out incohesive thoughts he had, he just said. "I understand."

He picked up his helmet and flew out again, but this time, he wasn't going back to the Triskellion. No, he had to admit his feelings in the right way, and for that, he needed some help.

Pixie: Sam Alexander x OC (Spinoff from My Iron Genius)Where stories live. Discover now