|16: truth be told

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The above pic's jonah
     Dedicated to Anniebella_Writes

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"We're here," he said

She looked up at the sign post and read out loud, "Welcome to Gaiden Garden," She turned back to him, but he was gone. Ayo was no where in sight.

She could hear giggling of bells in the Maze, it sounded alien to her ears. Did Ayo want her to look for him? did he want her to follow the sound of the bells? Julia didn't have the patience and strength for this task, but there wasn't any options left for her, she was obliged to his games.

She looked at the greenery, sighed and began searching for him. A bell called her from her left and she called out back, " Ayo! "

Nothing but silence echoed in the Maze, she walked further taking another left turn,  two rights and and a left only to be met with a thick wall of evergreen leaves. It was a dead end. The familiar sound of the bell sang. it sounded like it came from across the wall. It sang again, this time closer and louder!

Was Ayo nearby. She debated whether to turn back or stay still. She decided to unhinge herself from the spot, and walk straight ahead, she walked straight and took two right turns until she came across a fountain. The giggle sound of the bell stops.

She evoked, "Ayo!" she looked around in fear and called out louder, "Ayomide! "

He wanted to tell her something important, but had turned there meet up into a game, into child's play. Definitely he was nearby. He had to be, who else would be ringing the bell.

She took a sit by the small walls surrounding the fountain. A person in white clothe began to emerge in the maze. They were heading east. She stood up and followed, she walked in the direction of the figure. Then ran towards it, him - her or maybe Ayo. She ran and jumped on the person and  said, "please stop!" The person pushed her off as she asked, "How can I get out of this place?"

The slightly dark man looked at her and said, " You must be Ayo friend, " he drops his cutlery and offered, " he's on the other side of the garden waiting for you."

She smiles at him and followed his lead out, until her view of walls of leaves lessened.

“Finally, you made it out” he said as he puts the bell into his pocket, as she approached him.

“I thought I would forever be walking about in that maze’ she said, “Don’t do that again,”

“I also thought you would never make it out, you wasted a lot of time and I was getting worried,’’ he said, watching the dark man in white go back into the maze "The gardener showed you the way out ahbi?” he asked further and she nodded her head in confirmation. He continued, “it’s good he helped you out, if not you would have slept there for the night”

She said in admiration, ‘’the maze is very big and beautiful.’

“it’s the biggest maze ever found in most gardens in Nigeria”

She tells him, ‘‘I don’t know about other states, but it could possibly be the only maze garden in port Harcourt’’

‘‘Yeah, tourist often come here to do photoshoot because of the setting’’ he tells her, “Gaiden is a family name and this is my great grandfather property which my uncle inherited’

‘‘He’s very lucky to have inherited it’’ Julia says as Ayo lead her to a smaller side of the garden where oak tables each had been surrounded by pairs of white nicely carved chairs. They sat by an available chair that was not too far from a small pond in the garden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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