|13: Shawty?

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Dedicated to MiniWillow

"People will always talk, just learn to do what you love, and love what you do"


Julia carried a pile of books in one hand and pushed open the door with the other, walking in, she placed the loads on the librarians desk and said, "Here are the books you asked me to bring ma'am," panting as if she had just ran a marathon.

The lady adverted her eyes from above her palm mirror and smiled, "Oh, thank you again Julia," she slid shut the mirror, putting away her eyeliner and nude lipstick into her leather handbag, then moves over to adjusting the slit in her skirt, whilst Julia slumped on an oak armchair, allowing the pads of the seat to massage her tired arms, the lady instructs, "don't forget to lock the doors and windows before leaving."

She was probably heading to her boyfriends house for the weekend, viewing from the amount of cleavage her lilac floral blouse was selling. She tires her handbag around her arm and adds, "And sort these books alphabetically on the tops shelves."

"Alright, " Julia assured her, as she watched her take an exist.

She looked down at the textbooks and stared up at the shelf. Then sighed heavily.

What Alphabet comes first?

Surveying her table of books

A! Agriculture!

She grabbed all the agriculture contents she could find, spying a step ladder she would use. She composed some strength, with a handful of pushing and pulling, she climbed to the top shelve and assembled the books.

B! biology!

She bounced down and grasped the publication, climbing back up.

C! Computer science! Commerce! Cosmetology!...

Again! She gathered a handful of publication prints.

Her tummy grumbled, she couldn't wait to get home and eat.

home? transport fare!

"Ma wait!" she yelled to herself aware that no one could hear her and nearly missing a step and tripping off the step ladder, as she jumped down in a rush.

The librarian had gone, how was she going to get home now? it was four fifteen - school closed an hour and fifteen minutes ago, the bus had definitely left and she remembered giving Nathalia all her money.

With haste, she assembled in the remaining text books, locked the windows, grabs her bag and the library key. She fled out. Maybe if she hurried up and moved faster she could meet the librarian nearby, the slender librarian couldn't had gone far.

She bolt the door shut, inserting the key into the deadbolt keyhole and turned it clockwise until it clicked shut. She pulled the key out of the hole and tried to open the door by the knob, just to be certain it had locked.

It didn't

Sighing in frustration, as she repeats her ritual - her hopes of meeting up with the librarian had been crushed. She tied her bag to her left arm and turned the door handle with the other.

It swung open

Her head ached as she replayed her moves with the key; insert, rotate, and pull out.

She composed herself to turn the knob again, when a something cold tapped her shoulder and voiced, "he-"

She squeaked, jolting up in fear and without looking, she instinctly spunned around, and with her bag, she gave a hard hit to whoever had voiced those words.

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