|6: Play ball

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Dedicated to erakpo
The picture above is who I imagined Mackenzie as.

Julia swallowed the lump in her throat as fear washed over her. What had she just said now? Yes, to Nathalia on playing volleyball. Her tongue slipped, her brain fogged.

Trailing along side Nathalia, they walked to the court. She managed to console herself cleaning the small pile of sweat which were already forming on her face.

" Ayo, please hold this, " she said, taking off her wrist watch to give him.


At the corner of her eye, she spots Mackenzie and Aninta at the rail fence, which surrounds the court. Aninta whispered something into Mackenzies' ear which made her laugh. At least this time she remembers the steps in gossiping well.

"everyone, listen here," Nathalia requested taking everyone's attention."since we have 30 minutes left, will have two rounds with a target of six points each."

" Does anyone have any complaint," she asked, without waiting for a response she concluded, "Good."

They set out on playing four against five, which was not fair on Julia's part.

Nathalia had two girls from the volleyball team on her side, with two involuntary students who were forced to play. On Julia's part, Delilah choose to support her even after Nathalia constant begging. And after Delilah joined her on playing, two Juniors finally joined.

"Are you sure?" Nathalia asked. It being the umpteenth time she had asked. " You can make us six?"

" No, Don't worry," Delilah said," let's start."

Nathalia nodded, passing under the net to the other side of the court.

Damp air slapped Julia's face as Nathalia beamed the ball high in the air, smacking it over the net. Towards Julia it flew and just In time, Delilah shoots it east-wards aiming another player who bumps it over the next. So far, they hadn't lost.

Julia sighed in relief. A smile tugging at her lips, her shoulders slumping in relief. She was so grateful that Delilah was on her team. Again, they passed the ball which ended up soaking the ground at Nathalia side. Julia, 2. Nathalia, 0.

Much to her likening, the ball hadn't goaled her way. It went smoothly, three points on both sides.

But then, the game took an awful turn. The ball finally sailed to julias' part for her to serve. She motioned towards Delilah quietly calling her name, but she didn't notice.

At last she gave up, holding the ball with her hands out, making a fist with her elbow slightly bent, she had often seen Delilah play, so, why can't she?its not that hard, is it? Her fagile fist came in contact with the hard ball and  to an ample height it went.

They watched the ball, eyes peeled with astonishment as the ball flew, switched motions; before falling back down intensively. Everyone had expected it to fall on the other side of the court. Especially, with that big swing. But it didn't, it fell in her side of the net. Nathalia, 4. Julia, 3.

She sighted in frustration as a sharp ache spreads amongst her fingers making her rub her knuckles in agony.
She scratched her hair, just realizing that her hair band had torn. Her virgin twist spilled over; sticking to her face and blocking her sight. She pushed some under her ear, and tired to look straight ahead.

"are you okay?" Delilah asked, seeming concerned.

" yes, I'm fine," she shuttered, maintaining a steady smile while Avoiding eye contact. Delilah had this ability of reading her emotions just by looking at her eyes.

"just have fun,"

The fifth hit the ball was teased; ran after and spiked at Julia. She caged her fingers into a fist and bumped the ball some centimeters high, but it waved down under the net. Leaving Nathalia with 5 and Julia, 3.

A girl on Nathalia's side served the ball over the net; with a spike from the left, a massive hit from the right then a follow up bump from Julia which knocks the ball into the net. Nathalia, 6, Julia, 3.

With the first round being over, they switch sides. Walking across the court on the digging sand, her breathing heaved. This sport was fatiguing to her. She was so drained, playing was not on her bucket list anymore but the despicable smirk Nathalia was flashing made her rethink her options.

Delilah served this time over the net. A hit from the left and a massive blow from Nathalia, it aimed Julia's part.

Julia didn't have time to settle herself. Her mind was else where and with the ball, she had an extreme dive into the chalky grounds of the volleyball court. Her hair was covered with white particles with hot air fanning her face. Still managing to open her eyes, her aching knee took her attention. It looked crimsonly fresh and swollen with her flesh peeling out. She frayed the sides of the wound with the tips of her fingers, it reminded her of something, a memory.

The bell rang as a sign to go in.The game was over. She lost. Nathalia walked up to her, and squats to her level.

"Next time don't try new things,"she grimmed, pocking julias' forehead. "stick to your books."

Nathalia stood up seeing as some students were walking towards them with curiosity in there eyes.

Her face rumpled more with a Stern look she gave Julia a quick glance saying, "bring my money to class A during break everyday."

She weaved through students, shoving anyone that blocked her way.

Julia hugged her knee, feeling dizzy; she dozed into a land of darkness.


Hey guys, I'm officially back, I had been unstable of wattpad because of my exams but not anymore.

And I'm sorry for taking chapter 4 n 5 down, I wasn't contempted with those chapter.

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