|4:On the gossip list

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Dedicated to pepperish

The above picture is who I imagined Thelma as but you can imagine her as whoever you prefer.

Julia brushed the stubborn strands which were hazing along the edges of her hair with the black gel; fitting them to her satisfaction, wile observing herself at the reflecting mirror.

Her virgin twist were packed up in a short ponytail, her shoe were waxed. She took her P.E wear, and tucked it in her backpack as she moved to the living room to have her breakfast.

After some minutes of tie knotting, perfume bathing, and her mother's morning speech, she fled out to her usual spot--a Catholic Church, awaiting her school bus.

It's risible when she's late the bus comes early, then she's early the bus does the opposite. Luckily for her, just 10 minutes of waiting the bus arrived, spearing her an emotional break down.

Now gazing at the stuffed school bus, she flung her bag over her shoulder and walked in, searching for her seat partner, Delilah. Delilah sat next a window gazing outside relishing in the wild wind. She hadn't notice Julia until she took an available seat next to hers'.


An uproar of whistles', beating drums and soft smack of balls boomed over the sea of students. The school field is enormous with freshly trimmed, wet grasses.

Vestals' academy has always been known for its activities especially in sports.

The period before sport was over, some students walked out of their classes to the field. Some sitting on the bleachers, others occupying themselves with a sport or two.

Now dressed in her P.E wear; she sat near the bleachers. The neat fabric was a little baggy making her seem amorphic, her all-known eight figure had flattened, she damned the school authorities for having such uniforms.

Swiftly her eyes moved to an athletic boy who so happens to be Daniel. He had removed his shirt and was flexing his muscles in a brownish-white vest.

Some girls nearby were already ogling at him even a pair of gay males. Some were even drooling. She rolled her eyes at their crappy gawk, tearing her eyes off them all. She refocused her thought on her cousin who was flirting with an ss3 student at the volleyball court.

"I was there when he said it," a pitched voice said.

Julia turned and was faced with Mackenzie and another girl. Her hair was braided back. She had seen her a bunch of times with Daniel and Mackenzie, she seems to be in class B same as Julia. Apparently, Julia knew her name, Aninta.

"He likes her," she whispered more into MacKenzie's ear, not knowing how loud her voice was. If they are going to gossip at least do it right...or quietly.

"Julia?!" Mackenzie asked.

Hearing her name made her ear spun up. She wanted to know more.

"Yes," Aninta yell whispered back.

"Those idiots," Mackenzie harrumph, seeming more worried "are you sure?"

Aninta nodded her head like dog who just pleased its master, she added '' Jessy confirmed it."

Again what had Jessy said about her? she thought. This was the second time she was hearing this, and now was her chance to find out.

Julia was never a fan of gossip groups, but this concerned her. She wanted to know why her name was on their gossip list. She turned her head and was met with a shocked façade from Mackenzie.

Mackenzie shifted in her tracks, moving to the back away from Julia, but that didn't stop Julia from ease dropping.

The possibilities of having a secret in school was very slim they were ears everywhere, the walls, the decks, if possible the teachers. They were all nosey, pecking in places that had nothing to do with them.

Julia moved to another seat, trying to be less suspicious and more like a chameleon. A pillar stood in between the two girls and Julia. She moved again and hide behind the pillar.

They hadn't notice her at all, because they were too skin deep in their gossip. She bladed back a few stairs; gripping the steel handles and swerved,weaving pass other students. Almost there, just a bench mor--

"Julia!!" a voice called, she sat on one of the frigid bench and spun ahead; looking for who had called her. It was Delilah.

"I was looking for you,"

" I had been here since," she said, straightening a rumpled part in her uniform "watching you talk with Benjamin."

Delilah walked up the small flight of stairs, and sat next to her.


Thelma took out her sportswear from her bag, shimmering into it. She was in a corner in the girls' bathroom.

The girls changing in the bathroom with her were gabby, some were already in their uniforms, and just decided to be a follow up to the bathroom.

She didn't have the guts to join in on their conversation because none of them were her friends, though being in the same class. She adored being alienated, to her it made life easy. She's very picky with friends because of their unclear judgments of her.

Padding her top down; bobbing her binoculars' as she flung her bag over her shoulder and walked out, bumping into a feminine body. She almost fell from the small contact, the same height as her, with increasing breath the girl puffed stepping back. In trouble again.

"watch where you're going joor," she snarled "abi your eye glass fake."

"Sorry," Thelma shudder, trying to meet eye on eye with the girl, who's face was degraded with pimples, and slushy hair flowing on her skin. But she couldn't. She looked down, staring at her white converse.


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