|5:Yes bully

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Dedicated to MissYanxiet

The above picture is who I Imagined Ayo as

"if you look back, you'll never move forward"- by unknown

Thelma cringed as her air thickened. It was was a bad omen to be on Nathalia bad side. Just imagining what Nathalia would do to her, this time left her frightenly nibbling on her fingers; carving the length of her nails short. Her eyes leaked tears as her arms vibrated in fear. This responding action had always given Nathalia an upper hand. She managed to glance at the bully, who was furiously exhaling deeply.

"Sorry," she mimicked, making her voice as intimidating as possible.

A males shadow walked in from behind Thelma.

"Nathalia, you have come with your problems again." he said, getting tired of the usual dose of bully, and bullied that was getting stronger every week.

Nathalia being one of the influential seniors. She had a fearful reputation in five schools being an expelled student in a year, all with the same complaint. She's the football and volleyball captain. Wondering how?. She bribed her way through. She's good, but Delilah's better.

They both turned and saw a slightly tanned boy. He's a friend of Daniel, also on the football team. Same class as Nathalia.

He hitched Thelma to his side, and continued, ''leave the girl nau.''

It was against the school policy to speak pidgin during school hours but no student had the audacity to snitch especially against the influential seniors.

''Abeg, Ayo mind your business.''she shuttered.

'' She said, she's sorry," he begged,'' leave her alone."

Nathalia eyed her while plucking her pimples, she took her time and swayed her hips before leaving. He breathe a sigh of relief; looking at Thelma.

'' Thank you...again,'' She thanked, tugging on her school bag. His height was a little intimidating while she stood next to him, but she had grown used to it.

''I don't know why you keep allowing her to bully you.''

''That's my problem," she said, " I don't have sense.''

He looked at her, '' Okay oh," he said ''Anything you say.''

She glared at him as he walked off with his hands in his pockets. She debated on escorting him out or just watch him leave.

He sarcastically says,'' Stay there oh, don't come.''

She grinned and ran up to him, they walk side by side to the field, just before the bell goes off for practice to begin.


Mr.obia had suspended everyone needing only the long jump participates.

Julia bask back to the bleachers taking up her lunch. They had combined both sport and break period making their time been spent for practice, worthwhile.

"It was only match practice." Delilah said.

"If you were me, you'll understand." She said, with her palm she scrubbed the moist off her face. It was enough to fill a 250ml glass cup. How possible? Don't ask.

The match practice was a nightmare come to life, their team house captain was moody all day. He made them repeat every step over and over again being cranky about the smallest Missharps. Perhaps, he was having problems at home. The pouring sun didn't help at all. In fact, it made matters worse.

"What says the time?" asked Delilah.

Brushing her arm, Julia checks her wrist watch.

"Eleven-fifteen," she answered, Forty-five minutes left. Hopefully she'll survive. She sighed, leaning in on the bench.

While watching the long jump participates practice a ball flew across the field smacking her on the head. Now blessed with a headache, she rubbed her forehead. The last thing she needed was a swallow head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," someone said, she looked up and saw Ayo. He looked concerned which was heartwarming. Is it her head that was throbbing or her heart?, not trusting her mouth she gave a light nod, accepting his apology. But he didn't leave, he stood gazing at her. Now, she was Bewildered.

Is there something on her head or was he expecting a thank you, perhaps for bashing a ball on her head or be vicious. Either way boys are confusing.

"What?!"she yelled.

"...the ball," he snickered.

She looks at her side, spotting a white and black football. She stared at it for a while with an 'oh' stuck to her face. If not for her ebony skin her cheeks would been flushed crimson. Feeling embarrassed, she padded her face pushing those silly thoughts to the foreign hole it came from; tossing him the ball.

He effortlessly caught it, gave her a playful wink then grins heading back to the field.

Being impatient, she confirms the time again, eleven twenty-five. It's only been 10 minutes!!

"Delilah!!" a squeaking voice called, Delilah was sitting at the back. Sucking life out of the bottle of coke she bought earlier. It had finished,but she was still in denial.

They both turned sighting an euphoric girl, Nathalia. Her short braids were packed up in a short ponytail, it bounced over her shoulders while she ran towards them.

"come let's play volleyball" she said, facing Delilah; hijacking the ball under her arm.

Delilah stands up to leave with a devastating sigh feeling weary from sitting down for almost an hour. She walks sluggishly down the steps.

Almost about to leave. Nathalia stops, turned and says,"I know you can't play so don't bother coming."

It was just a simple statement, maybe a little insulative on Nathalias' part but Those words meant so much to Julia. It meant she couldn't do anything than dig her head in a book all day. It also meant she had a label.

Her mind was clouded with thoughts which is why she didn't think twice, and blurt the first thing that came to her mind.

"I...Can,"Julia stammered.

''You?'' Nathalia mocked and tugged the ball to her other arm, glaring at her.


She signaled for Delilah to move ahead of them, then turned to Julia.

''Okay,'' she callousily says," if you fail against me, I'll take your lunch money for the rest of the week."

Swiveling the ball in the air, she walked off to the volleyball court, smirking.

Hearing that it dawned on her on what she had agreed, but it was already too late. The pounding from her head made her furrow her face; her headache was back.


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