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Dedicated to Pretty_July

The above picture is who I imagine Daniel as. Sp means» senior prefect.

Flicking her wristwatch, which read ten forty-five.

She walked back into her house informing her mother of her next destination; Daniels house. He's her only childhood friend besides Delilah. They are tenants on same street so his house was a mile away. She strolled along her street, luckily for her the sun hadn't risen much.

She met him outside his house by his porch, playing away on a board game with his mother and two brothers; Micah and Jeremy. By the looks of it, they might had finished their chores and homework.

Daniel was smiling which was a sign he was winning. He knew how to play any and every game you threw at him.

Since Julia had known him he had always been the smartest in his class. The football and volleyball leader of the boys team at school; every student looked up to him as the future Sp in the next year to come.

"Good morning," Julia said, greeting everyone with a cherry smile as they replied her greetings one by one. The young thirty year old woman being the caring mother she is gave her a knowing look.

"How are you and your mother?" Daniels' mother asked her.

"We're fine" Julia said, looking at both Daniel and his mother.

"Daniel I'd like to speak with you."

He was stunned but expected it; she lead him to a side building which had less people and was quiet.

"So your doing skipping and you want me to help" he said, cutting Julia off guard.

"Who told you? How did you know?"

"Which should I answer first?" he said, leaning slant on the wall with his hands in his pockets. His perspired skin glimpsed under the rising sun as his almond brown eyes stared back at her. "What your wearing right now, and we're in the same class"

Then Julia looked down at what she was wearing; now aware she was still in her sweat pants. But even at that, someone must had told him the precise sport she had been put in.

"But your in A, I'm in B" she said, "tell me the truth Daniel, who told you?"

He could see the anger burning deep in her speech - she isn't this confident around others, only her friends and love ones.

"My sources told me."

she frains more, "What sources?"

He squirms at her question, he gave up trying to protect the people who were gossiping Julia's name in School.

"Jessy," he took a dramatic pause, then breathed out "and Mackenzie." he said.

Mackenzie the schools gossip and biggest bully, she and Julia had never been on good terms.

"Jessy!?" she said, with a sad tune. She never expected Jessy to gossip about her; he was a friend of hers.

"Jessy didn't gossip about you even if he wanted to, he just told me how people were bad mouthing you at school." he said

"I'm going to inform my mom before we go."


Julia watched him go back into his house. She didn't bother asking him what Mackenzie was doing or had gossiped about her, he would just end up telling her one heroic story Mackenzie had feed him.

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