|12: Pocket holes

190 33 16

Dedicated to SkylerChase29
The above's Aninta.

The unexpected had showed up, and Jessy's the unexpected.

Her eyes landed on a tensed tall boy, his hoodie blocked his face so much, that no one would notice it was Jessy underneath. His hands dug his pockets as he bounced, rocking his demine jeans.

By his left was his mother with her shoulder length braids, which blended well with her dark green Ankara gown, and her out standing coffee brown bag spoke power and money all over.

To his right was his father who looked strict as ever, and had a similar attire to his wifes'.

Jessy's suspension, and possibly an expelling had spread like fire. It was old news now, mostly because most witnesses won't stop spreading the news.

"I hope he doesn't get expelled," Delilah prayed, still looking at Jessy, and his parents as a female teacher approached them, possibly offering to direct them to the principals office.

“Same here," She agreed, having the same prayer in mind. Seeing Jessy here had brought her back to the sudden occurrence of the principal, maybe it wasn't her, he might had been monitoring, maybe he was impatiently waiting for Jessy, and his parents.

Giving it a second thought, why would a thirty something year old man-- and principal, be stalking a teenager-- a useless, shy, weak and don't forget, a geeky teenager. He probably had better things to do with his life, maybe a family, or better of, a wife. Shunning her thoughts, she dare ask,"why were you fuming like that on Ayo?"

She shot back,"You did the same too,"

"But yours was worse, why?!"

"I'm certain that he reported, he might had been tempted again."so were you

"We're all friends, no matter what, we shouldn't judge each other easily," She advised,"Don't hate Ayo, alright?"

"I don't hate him, I just dislike his character,"Delilah defended.

"Hate, dislike, what's the difference, it's just like you saying, you love apples, but you dislike the taste in your mouth," She explained, and Delilah raised a brow in question, wondering how loving, and hating apples had anything to do with her disliking Ayo's traits, but one thing was sure, Julias' expression was all wrong.

"Hate and dislike are two different things, don't confuse yourself with words,"Delilah disagreed.

"Okay,'' She let it slide, feeling defeated. She averted her eyes at the field, catching joel jog slowly before taking his water bottle, and sipped from it. Their eyes meet, she sent him a friendly smile and a small wave which he returned with a smile.

He was about to wave back, but mr. Obia yelled at him and slapped his shoulder so he'd meet up with the other runners, who had gone ahead of him, he was somehow distracted and had forgotten the race he was about to run.

Seeing this, she laughed at his silliness.

Out of the blue, Delilah whined, sorrowfully. "First the principal decided to change everything now Jessy's getting expelled,"

Though Julia could relate, after all she's a victim, her phobia might worsen each day, due to fear and everything that's going on around her, and Jessy might officially get expelled, because his friends were two time backstabbers, but what was Delilah whining about, she had it all, last time Julia checked her cousins' life, it was going great.

She looked at her cousin with concern, and asked,"Do you like him?"

Knowing which particular him Julia was referring to, she Ignored the question and sighed, concluding, "Life's a bitch,"

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