|14: The meet up

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Dedicated to Osakuade_Dami

"It'd be very eventful if fishes could fly and birds could swim."

"Yes, the impossible"



She pushed herself up. Allowing her muscles to carry her weight. Without any doubt, she knew her knees were going to shrink from the impact - or her hands' would pull off aborting this futile training, which she had embarked on. Maybe if her body parts ran away, she'd have a good excuse to stop practicing - Because there was no turning back now, since most of her friends were aware of her mission.

He proceeds with his counting, squatting down besides her, "2,"

Push ups.

Why was she practicing push ups?

Because Daniel said so.

Instead of skipping as expected, Daniel gave her an hour speech of how weak her muscles were, and insisted on practicing push ups. Her greatest regret at the moment was asking Daniel for help. Now, she had to give up Netflix Saturdays, extra time of watching comedy skits and lazing around with her face stuck to her phone; either binging on online romance or stalking random celebrities on Instagram. Saturdays' were the bomb, but now it was all a fantasy in her head.

"How does this have anything to do with skipping? " she breathed out

"It's a warm up exercise, when we do the actual sport..." he trailed off, standing up.

The actual sport she thought in dismay. The thought of practicing harder than she is at the moment made her dizzy.

His voice snapped her back to reality, "...Your abdominal muscles would pull in, hopefully you won't gain any injuries at the end of this session, since your very bad at sports"

Yeah, hopefully

Her hands couldn't carry her weight, she finally collapsed to the ground.

"Get up" Daniel commanded her while he fetched the jump ropes. "Let's try the actual skipping, " he suggests, He hands her the skips saying, "first person to skip to the tree and back wins-"

She cuts him off "Wins what?"

Maybe this time she could get two ice creams instead of one.

His eyes searched the premises, moving from one object to the other until it settles on his wrist.

He smirked.

"-wins my wristwatch"

"your wristwatch!?" she asked in dismay, still laying on the ground. If possible the Rocky grounds could be her second bed, it won't hinder her much, it was somehow comforting.

"Yeah, my wristwatch." He repeats, handing her a skipping rope as she toppled to her feet.

"Really, your watch?" Knowing how much Daniel loved his watches. Either way, this challenge was a joke. Daniel's hands down unbeatable. She laced her hands around the knots of her skipping rope.

"Yes" he dismissed, flexing his fingers on his skips. "On three" he says, receiving a nod from her.

He counts to three and in the blink of an eye, he was off. Being the perfect athlete he is, he skipped without stress allowing the rope to smoothly pass under his feet and over his head. Just a metre away and victory would be his.

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