|8: His first

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         Dedicated to Anzay29

The above picture's who I imagined Jessy as, but you can imagine him as anyone. It's your choice.

Back at the field, students were aborting to class. Taking their weak self's in. Jessy was babbling, non stop about a junior. He held the ball under his arm, face and shirt coated with dirt as he walked to the bleachers with Daniel behind him. The bleachers were getting scanty, almost everyone had gone in to learn.

''Did you see the way he was dragging the ball with me,'' he hissed, He sat down on the frigid bench, and dropped the ball on the floor taking his socks from his shoe, he lazily pulled one sock on. "I don't know what he saw in that boy sef." He continued, and furrowed his brows in disgust.

"How's it doing you na?'' Daniel asked, looking at him nonchalantly, before digging throw his bag. After a long search, he removes his dirty vest, throwing on the schools Tee.

Today, a junior joined them to play football, Mr.Obia had never mixed juniors, and seniors when playing, because it always ends badly. And the worst part was, the junior knew how to play. His football skills were phenomenal – Which was getting intimidating.

''I swear, if they add that boy on that day eh-''

''Jessy! Daniel!'' a deep voice called, interrupting jessys' little rant. They looked ahead spotting the Sp, Benjamin. His shuffled legs scuff the floors and his eyes drift focus, besides that, his eyes were disguised with disappointment as he halfway approached them, clear signs that football practice was tough.''what have you done Jessy? the principal requested you to his office asap.''

When the principal calls a student to his office it means two things; one- is either the student has done something or -- he wants the student to do something. Depending on his mood at the time.

To be honest, Jessy had his fair share of problems with his best pals at school. The usual destroying school property and going against school violations, but he always had a way of covering up his tracks- meaning he's never been to the principal's office, not even a side glance of the inscribed name 'the principal office' on the door, had he seen.

With much hesitance, He raked a hand in his lowly trimmed hair looking, and halfway laughing at Benjamin as if he was a comedian.

But unfortunely, the principal actually requested him. He pulled on his last pair of converse and shocked his worried thoughts. Managing to get up with a steady confidence and an upcoming smirk.

"wait, I'm coming too.'' Daniel demanded, shouldering his bag. He picked up the ball tugging it under his arm.

''Okay.''Jessy said, nonchalantly while following Benjamin from behind. The walk was quiet. He fumbled for a while as his brain mustard a random topic.

He pinched Benjamin from behind saying '' Sp, todays goalkeeper was bad, '' Benjamin looked at him then at Daniel,''even that junior sef. '' He was just looking for a silly excuse to talk about that junior.

''Is he the short one?''

''Wha-h-h? no. '' He corrects, shaking his head in disagreement.

''okay, umm-'' he thought, giving his face a tight squeeze, then he looks at Jessy with a pointed look. "the one that has a triangle head.''

''Just kill me," Daniel groaned, rolling his eyes in annoyance. This conversation was going to last for while, and they haven't even walked halfway across the field.

''No, that's ade,''Jessy confirmed, while Daniel face palmed himself.

''...Hmm,'' he recalled, scratching the bridge of his nose. ''The one with the turkey leg.''

"Yes! Your there!!' he announced, with a golden smile plastered on his face, like he had just won a bet9ja jackpot.


Their random chat dragged on, as they climbed the steps leading to the waiting room outside the principal's office. Thankfully, the chat ended ten minutes ago.

On reaching the foot of the stairs. Jessy first sighted Mackenzie, who's mind was else were and hadn't notice them at all. On hearing deep voices and Loud footsteps ascend the stairs, Mackenzie turned giving them a half smile with a pinch of worry. She was admiring the trophy shelf, it was partly made of glass which made it very alluring to look at. One of the many things the school spent money on.

''He called you?'' Daniel asked.

''Yeah, he said I should stand outside and wait,'' she replied. This was one part of Mackenzie people don't often see. The worried kind. She always did and said things without worrying about anyone feelings, or the outcome.

''Do you know what they reported about?''

''Something about bullying, and those love letters.'' she informed, calmly adverting her eyes at the bulletin board which held pictures of ex Sp's, and senior graduates'.

''Oh, the letters,'' he remembered the love letters, nothing else. ''bulling?" he asked. Both Daniel and Jessy rumpling their faces.

Benjamin had given up; he had biology after sports period and this conversation was time wasting, he gave Daniel a small pat on the back and left.

''Remember that day? The five of us?" She pushed on, almost face palming herself. This question was more of a riddle, which was blemishing his already formed puzzle piece.

Jessy had done countless things, he didn't have a note book filled with his doings. Understanding what Mackenzie meant became a word problem. This conversation was not getting anywhere.

"At beginning of the term with joel?" She frains more, almost giving up.

He furrowed his face more seeming more confused. Joel? What did he do to him?.Only one thing was clear now; one, he was in deep trouble mostly because giving out love letters was against the school rules. The school had this motto of learning-nothing more.

Two, Mackenzie had gone in and was out - meaning she had cleared her name. Let's be clearer here. She's a self-centered person.

''Just forget it, go in he's waiting.'' Daniel advised, Dropping the football to the ground.

Agreeing with Daniel; he held the door knob only to shrink on the spot. He looked at Daniel then back at the door.

"Knock first." Daniel enlightened, on hearing him he caged his fingers in a fist; bumping the door lightly.

"Come in.'' a shallow voice said, He exhaled deeply, turned the door knob, and walked in.


Sorry guys for the slow update, I kind of lost these chapters some weeks ago. So, I decided to introduce Jessy n' his problems this way.

What'll happen to Jessy?

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