New Arrivals

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Lianna's POV:

I woke to the sound of music blasting next door. I stumbled out of bed and opened my door, pulling on my dressing gown. I knocked on Josh's door as Jordan stomped out of his room. When there was no answer we looked at each other and kicked in the door. As the door was slammed back, Josh looked up from his desk eyes wide.

"What was that for??!!" He yelled. I ran and tackled him to the bed while Jordan walked over and turned off the music. 

"What were you doing playing music that loud this early???" I hissed in his ear. He looked at me and smirked.

"I knew you slept in late but 10 in the morning is early for you??!!" He laughed as our faces dropped and we raced back into our rooms to change. 

When we left our rooms fifteen minutes later, Josh was there talking to Wash. We all walked down to the cafeteria and grabbed food. Sitting down at our table, Wash started telling us about what he did before the Project. He had enlisted in the military but unlike us he had been assigned to an outpost and not the frontlines. 

We had just finished our lunch and were preparing to go to the training room when a speaker announced that,

"All agents are go to the Hangar immediately!"

We walked to the elevator and took it down to the Hangar. We jogged up and stood opposite the other agents with the Director and Counsellor in the middle. We stood to attention as the Pelican landed and the door opened.

Josh's POV:

Two people walked down the ramp and stood in front of the Director. He nodded and walked off. One agent was wearing green and blue MK VI armour while the other wore blue and white Scanner armour. 

"The Director and Counsellor are awaiting Project Britain on the Bridge now!"

I nodded to the new arrivals and beckoned them to follow us. When we arrived at the Bridge, the Director greeted us. 

"Allow me to introduce Agents Brockenhurst and London." he announced pointing to the Agents. Turning to the newcomers, he continued,

"These are Agents Yorkshire, Scotland and Sway." He stated pointing to us individually. "Your training will begin tomorrow. I leave you the rest of the day to settle in."

We all nodded in affirmation and walked out of the bridge. I turned to the new agents and said,"I'll take you to your rooms and you can join us in the bar if you want."

The two agents nodded and followed us to the rooms.

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