Lunch in the Cafeteria

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Jordan's POV:

I walked towards the cafeteria for lunch and went up to the counter to get my food. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my left. Lianna was there and she leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Josh has gone all quiet. He dwelling on it again." I nodded and we saw Josh in the corner eating his food. We walked over with our trays and sat down next to him. I turned to him and said,"I wasn't your fault, Josh." 

He shook his head. "I was the one who managed to trip an alarm. I was the one who then got injured. I WAS THE ONE WHO IS AT FAULT!" He said raising his voice. He looked up and saw that everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us. Carolina was staring at us from the corner with York. Wash made as if to walk over but I signaled him to leave it be. He nodded and sat back down and continued to talk to North and South. 

Joshua's POV:


The air was thick with smoke. Alison had me in her arms running along as her blond hair streamed along behind her. She looked at me and yelled,"Stay with me Josh!"

She yelled at Lianna and Jordan to carry me back to the landing zone. They put an arm under each of my shoulders and dragged me to the landing zone. I looked back and saw Alison following us and firing. I saw a man with a rocket launcher aim and fire. There was an explosion as I released a silent scream. I threw myself towards Alison's body where she had landed. Pain shot through my leg as I landed on it. I picked her up and ran after our squad. The ship had landed and I ran up the ramp and collapsed. 

I lay Alison on a bench and said," Stay with us Alison! We're getting help." She shook her head and pointed towards her stomach. I looked and saw a huge piece of shrapnel lodged there, blood pouring down her front and pooling the floor. I started to try to stop the bleeding but she pushed away my hand.

She raised a hand to my face and started to talk. I leaned forward so I could hear what she was saying.

"Ironic how I was only saying that to you a second ag....." I looked at her face and closed her eyes.

-End of Flashback-

 I looked up and stood up walking away from Jordan and Lianna. It was my fault. I couldn't save her. I failed to keep my leader safe and therefore was worthless as a soldier.    

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