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Josh's POV:

We had put our stuff in our rooms and then an announcement had told us to go to the meeting room. The three of us were all next to each other and we wandered the corridors trying to find our way to the meeting room. We bumped into a man in black and yellow armour. He turned to us and waved.

"You're the newbies! Hi! I'm David," he said cheerfully. I waved back. "Hi, I'm Josh and this is Jordan and Lianna."

He asked,"Why you here?"

We all looked embarrassed and mentioned that we couldn't find the meeting room and he offered to lead us there as he was heading that way. We accepted and followed him. When we arrived there, the doors slid open and we walked through.

"Now we are all here, we can introduce you to your fellow agents." the man in sunglasses said. I started to get the feeling that he was the director in charge. We walked forward and stood by the table.

The director pointed to the person next to him in Aqua recon armour. "This is Agent Carolina." 

Carolina took of her helmet and walked forward and shook my hand. "The present number one," she added. I tilted my head in confusion and then noticed the leaderboard behind her.

"Congratulations!" I said and immediately realised that was possibly the worst thing to say as all of a sudden silence reigned around the table. She gave me a death glare and I raised my hands.

"I didn't mean to offend you in any way so please, turn off the anger." I said backing away. I heard both Lianna and Jordan sigh and facepalm next me.

"There is Agent York, North and South Dakota, Connecticut, Wyoming, Maine and Washington," the Director continued pointing to each Agent in turn.

I stepped forward and said,"I'm Agent Yorkshire. This is my sister,  Agent Sway and my brother, Agent Scotland." 

The director interrupted,"These Agents are the first agents of a British branch of the Project."

After a few minutes of more talk, we were all dismissed. As we were walking away, Wash came running up.

"You shouldn't have offended Carolina, Yorkshire." he said, "She'll make sure that you suffer during training."

"I didn't mean to offend her. I just assumed that it was an actual achievement to get to first place." I said.

Wash shook his head, "I know. Anyway, you want to come have some drinks with us tonight?" 

I looked at the others and nodded,"Yeah, though we don't know where the bar is."

He chuckled,"I'll pick you up and take you there." I thanked him and then walked into my room collapsing on my bed and going out like a light. 

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