The mission

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Joshua's POV:

I woke to the sound of engines. I blinked and looked up. I saw that Jordan and lianna were flanking me and that Joe and Harry were opposite me in a pelican?? Oh of course! The mission.

They saw that I had woken up and Joe nodded at me. I shook my head as the headache set in. I groaned and Jordan chuckled, "That'll teach you to drink before a mission!" I just got up and walked up to the pilot. The headache was already being neutralised by the medical facility in my suit.

"How long till we arrive at the objective?" I asked. The pilot replied with ten minutes. I nodded and returned to the main section.

"We arrive in ten! Get ready!" They nodded and strapped on their weapons and other equipment. I turned and picked up my shotgun, attached it to my back. Putting my pistols in their holsters and putting my knife in its sheath, I walked towards the door and stood with the others flanking me. I put on my helmet and heard the pilot yell, "One minute!"

I replied with affirmative and got ready. The Pelican suddenly came to a stop and "Go! Go! Go!" We leaped from the pelican right into.....a rocky outcrop?

I stood up and switched on comms. The director's voice broke in, "Agents just behind this outcrop is the outpost which holds some information that I need. Your objective is to infiltrate and retrieve the data. Any other equipment you find that you may think help you, you can also take so long as you register it with you when you return."

"Roger that! Team move in!" I said and we moved forwards. We came to the edge of the outcrop and crawled towards the edge. There was a big clearing with the rocky outcrop surrounding it. In the clearing was the outpost. I surveyed it and gave everyone their orders.

"London, you stay here and cover us, scotland you will follow us into the base and find a good spot within the base. Agents Brock and Sway you're with me! Move! move! move!" 

I jumped over the out crop with brock, scotland and sway. We ran to the closest building and scotland split off to find his sniper spot. I nodded and I signalled brock and sway to follow me. I turned to Brock and asked if he had any idea where the objective could be. He pointed to the central building and said that that building has the most sophisticated door and therefore the objective would be in there. I nodded and then a guard walked around the corner. In a flash, I had stabbed him in the neck and as the blood jetted out, lianna dragged him out of the way. 

We moved closer to the central building kill guards as we went. When we reached the door, Brock went to work, while Lianna and I covered him. After about 2 minutes, he still was working on it. I said, "Anyway you could hurry up?"

He just said that the lock was very complicated and after another thirty seconds, he had opened the door. We ran in and shut the door behind us. I pressed the comm link. 

"We're in. Any sign of alarm?" 

"Negative." London and Scotland replied. I nodded, "Going dark."

As we stalked further into the building, we past a room with a lot of equipment in and we looked at each other before entering the room. 

As we entered the room, we saw tabled upon tables of equipment. As I looked through the huge mounds of equipment, I saw a handle of something. I reached out towards it and picked it up and noticed a button on it. I pressed the button and a huge blade sprang from it.

Brock and Sway turned towards me and saw me retract the blade and attach it to my belt. I then started to look through other equipment. I saw several active camo amour modifications and some invisibility ones as well. I chose an active camo as did Sway and Brock. I decided to take as much of the equipment as possible to help out both of the projects, but I couldn't think of how.

We decided to move onwards towards the objective. As we neared the room where the objective was, I signaled to activate the camo. We stumbled across the room and I saw the information the director wanted and plugged in the chip the director had given me to take the infomation, looking around I found the similar looking second chip and grabbed it. Just then, the alarms started to blare and we deactivated camo and ran to cover the door. I grabbed the chip just as guards ran in. 

We opened fire on the guards killing a lot of them and then I activated camo and ran forwards. I grabbed the handle and extended the blade. I felt the soft flesh and bones crumble as I slashed down and stabbed. It was all over in a few moments.

I looked around and saw no more guards. I signalled to move. We ran back the way we came and turned left into the equipment room. I told Scotland and London to move in on our position and regroup with us. I then pressed the comm link and talked to the Director who redirected the pilot to our position.

I switched to the pilot,"Shoot the wall where we are."

"Are you insane??" the pilot yelled back.

"Maybe but do it anyway!" I said.

I saw the pelican fly in close and fire a missile at the wall blasting a hole in it. I told the pilot to turn the pelican around and position the door as close to the opening as possible.

London and Scotland arrived now and I ordered everyone to start throwing the equipment onto the pelican. Then more guards started to arrive. I set agents Sway, Scotland and london to cover me and Brock as we continued to load the equipment. With just a few more left to go, I ordered everyone onto the pelican and threw the equipment after them. I ordered the pelican to leave and return for me at the rendezvous point. As the pelican flew off, I saw a guard with a missle launcher take aim but I stopped him with a bullet to the head. 

I ran. Through the building, out of the clearing, out into the rocky outcrop and into the land beyond. As soon as I was sure I hadn't been followed, I asked for a pelican to be sent to my position.

"A pelican has been dispatched, Agent Yorkshire." the Director told me. 

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