The Last Lock down paint round

22 1 0

Joshua's POV:

Final round. 5 to us and 4 for them. We can win this.

"Lock down paint round beginning in 3....2......1! Begin"

I ran towards the pillars and took shelter around one of them. I signaled Jordan to go right and Lianna to go left. I hoisted myself over the top and fired hitting Wash right in the head. I heard shots coming from my right and left. I turned and ran to help Jordan. As I rounded a pillar, I saw Carolina shoot Jordan and then kick him through a pillar. Carolina turned and fired at me. I couldn't dodge and then someone pushed me out of the way. I looked up from the floor and saw Lianna standing there frozen. I turned to Carolina and we raised our guns as one and fired. We both dodged and then the pillars all disappeared. The floor was now flat. We had no cover and could see all around us. 

We ran towards each other firing, ran out of ammo half way and reloaded and opened fire again. We enter hand to hand. I grabbed her hand and fired at our joined hands. It cemented them together. At the same time she shot my left foot to the floor  and up to my knee before I swung my arm making her stumble as she was connected to me. Her weight brought my foot off the floor and I kicked her in the chest. She backed off growling and fired at my head as I did the same. Due to our dazed state we couldn't dodge and our armour locked up meaning that none of our teams had managed to win.

When the paint was removed, I looked around and walked over to Carolina and offered my hand. She stared at me and I just chuckled.

"Well done, we'll call it a draw for now. Until the next fight, Carolina." I said and she continued to stare at me. I withdrew my hand and looked her, "I'm trying to be civil but if you cannot be polite I will not play nice in the future. Your choice."  She didn't respond and I sighed and spun on my heel and left. 

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