Getting to know each other

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Josh's POV:

Wash stayed true to his word. He met outside our rooms and took us to the bar which was next to the cafeteria. We ordered our drinks and then sat at a table. We all sat in silence and then Wash looked at me and said,

"So Josh, tell me more about yourself?" I raised an eyebrow and Lianna and Jordan chuckled.

"Is this a date?" I replied. He went crimson and spluttered. "I don't swing that way."

I burst out laughing and Jordan leaned across the table and said, "He only pulling ya leg."

Wash looked relieved. I leaned back in my chair and then looked Wash in the eyes,"So tell me Agent Washington, what do you desire to know?" 

He looked put out and said he wanted to know what I did before this. I looked at the others and started to talk.

"I was part of a special unit of UNSC marines who's primary job was to retrieve information from enemy hands, take out targets, etc,etc. Fought in the final stages of the Great War, literally the final months. Made friends and lost some."

Wash looked at me in astonishment," You fought in the Great War!"

I just looked at him and said,"Yup." Popping the 'p'. I heard people enter and looked round to see York, North and Carolina enter. They saw us and walked over.

"Hey what are you doing here?" York asked. I pointed to my drink and raised an eyebrow. Jordan and Lianna did the same. Wash gestured for them to sit down and when they were settled, he started to gushing about what I had told him.

York looked at me interested,"So, you talk about it as if you were the best in the squad."

I shook my head,"No,no,no! Not by a long shot! No, there was a woman in charge of the squad called 'Allison' and she was most definitely the best. None of us compared to her shadow let alone her!" I chuckled,"She was like a warrior born but she was also caring about the people under her command. She used to talk about her two daughters she left behind when any of us were feeling down. The stories she told about them always brought a smile to our faces."

My face became sad. Jordan and Lianna bowed their heads. I lifted my head and the others looked at me shocked because I had tears in them. I started to speak again,"Then on a recovery mission it all went wrong. We got the information but on the way back someone managed to trip an alarm. The guards came out and she sacrificed herself to allow to get away. I remember looking back and seeing her standing on top of a mound and firing at the guards coming after her, there was a huge explosion and she was gone."

I wiped away the tears from my eyes and finished my drink. I looked at Lianna and Jordan. They nodded. As one, we stood up and took our leave. Tomorrow would be a hell of a day.

A/N: Can you guess who Allison is?  

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