Training and Round One

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Lianna's POV:

The next day, I woke up early and headed down to the training area with Jordan. When we got there we saw Josh already practising. He always did this, whenever he had been talking about that mission he always started training non stop. I looked at Jordan and he rolled his eyes. We walked towards the elevator and just as we were about to go down there and join him, we heard a surprised noise from the corner and turned round. We saw York, North and Carolina all there staring at Josh as he went through his target practise hitting bullseye after bullseye until the final target where he just winged it.

We heard his scream of frustration echoing up from the floor and he tore off his helmet throwing it against the wall. He collapsed on his knees and started shaking. We started towards the elevator again but he then got up and shot every single bullseye dead center. We stared at him in shock and then ran to the elevator and sped towards him just as he started the hand to hand. He turned towards us and smiled weakly.

"Morning, Care to spar?" We were about to speak to him but decided better of it and got into ready position. Jordan swung the first punch which Josh blocked and countered. As he countered, I swung my leg and got blocked as Jordan blocked Josh's blow. This happened several times until Josh knocked Jordan back and focused on me. I was down within seconds as he just threw punches, elbows, knees and legs at me in speedy succession. He nodded at me and turned towards Jordan and quickly dispatched him.  He helped up Jordan and walked over to me and sat down.

"I needed that. Thanks." He whispered. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at me.

"You don't need to blame yourself Josh, she chose to save you." I said. He shook his head.

"She should have left me. I'm worthless." He whispered. Jordan shook his head and sighed. Then the elevator opened and the entire A team walked through. Then the Director appeared at the window above and spoke to both teams.

"Today, the two teams will fight each other in the different scenarios. F.I.L.S.S start the simulations."

Josh's POV:

All of a sudden a robotic voice said,"Round one, Pugil sticks."

I walked to one side followed by Lianna and Jordan. A rack appeared in the wall and we each reached forwards and grabbed a pugil sticks and I span it in one hand while grinning. We turned round and walked into the middle of the room facing the walls all of us being back to back. The other team surrounded us and got into ready position.

The robotic voice spoke again,"Round begin!"

The other team started running towards and began to bring down their weapons.

I yelled,"Brace! Brace! Block!"

We locked our sticks in a triangle just as they brought their sticks down. My team went down on one knee as one to brace ourselves better. We held it for about thirty seconds. I had finally had enough. 

"Strike!" We all stood up and pushed them away and as they stumbled away, we as one struck out and struck out flooring some of our opponents. This continued for another minute and then Jordan stepped out and went on the attack. Lianna and I covered his back and kept pushing away any of the opponents that thought they could get through.

Then I heard a yell and turned around to see Jordan getting floored by Carolina and then Lianna locked sticks with North. I ducked just as York swung his stick head height. I hit him where it hurts and saw Wash flinch from the side. I then hit him down as he bent forwards in pain. I then ran towards Carolina and swung at her. She turned and locked sticks.

"How's this for some Newbies?" I smirked. She growled and pushed me away. I shook my head and blocked a very powerful swing. The swing broke my weapon in two and I looked at the two halves. She backed off and I laughed. She looked at me shocked.

"Thank you! You just gave me two weapons!" I said and went on the attack. She had to block quickly but as she blocked a low strike, she got hit in the head and then she blocked another head strike, I struck her legs from under her and she fell to the floor. She kicked my legs from under me and we both got up quickly. I heard steps and turned throwing one of my halves at it. I hit North in the head and then  I delivered a flying kick to his chest sending him flying. I then focused on Carolina and just managed to knock her out of the circle and win the round.


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