Chapter 3 = Failing Jealousy

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I got off the bus and went straight to my locker . I unpacked and went to advisory. I sat there thinking about yesterday. What Aqua said. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Mia hugging another boy and looking at me. I think she is trying to make me jealous. But every time she tries I think about Aqua. RRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. There's the bell I start heading to first period. I forgot that I have a math midterm. I calm myself down. And just worry about ELA.

When I head out to got to second period I see Mia hugging a different guy and looking at me. Then in my head I saw Aqua. While I head to art. All I thought about was Aqua's face. Her rosy cheeks, pink lips, brown hair, and that shimmering blue tail. My teacher asked me so what is that and I said red. My teacher Mrs. Ross just stared at me and then said " I asked what is that not what color" and the answer was value. I felt pretty stupid.

The bell rang and I headed to 3 period. As I walked out the door I saw Mia hugging a totally different guy. But all that reminded me was that is me and Aqua was a couple I would hug her a lot. I was in ELA again. And we where studying for the ELA Midterm tomorrow. I had a substitute and she wrote the notes on the board. I copied it down quickly so I could think about Aqua and how to turn her into a human. I had the rest of the period to think which was 35 minutes.

The next period is math. I have to take the midterm and I suck at math. I had a few snow delays so it is now 1 day math midterm so they took out something, but what. I got to math and Mr. Dear told us that they took out the short answer and in my head I was saying " YASS ", so everything was multiple choice. After the test I was sweating I think I got a bad grade on the midterm. I will check on parent portal tomorrow. Also, did I mention Mia did the same thing again with another guy. Like where are all these guys coming from. Some of them Mia never met.

Next period is science I am somewhat good at science. All I heard my teacher say is " bla bla bla project bla bla bla boring stuff bla bla bla. So I am guessing I have a project to do. I looked around the room and saw Mia she was staring at me, it is really creepy. I decided I need to talk to her, so she can stop stalking me. The bell rang and I saw her in the hall hugging a another guy and staring at me. The cracked me, I went up to her and said " You have to stop! I broke up with you, we are done stop trying to make me jealous! " Every one was staring at me so I started to walk to study hall.

After study hall I went to lunch. I sat with my friends and they said " What did you do! You broke up with the most popular girl in school! " And I said " I now I just don't like her anymore. " And they said " Do you like someone else? " I said "yes! Her name is Aqua." They said " Does she go here " I said " NO, I mean no she is was in my old school." They said " ok" . Then it was silent the rest of lunch.

I came out of 8th period, and no sign of Mia. I was walking and I heard my name and I looked back, but I saw not one I knew and I looked forward and Mia hugged me, but I did not now who it was at first. She let go and I saw Mia and I said " MIA I SAID NOT TO MESS WITH ME ANYMORE AND I WANTED TO BE FRIEND BUT NOW I WANT NOTING TO DO WITH YOU!" And I stormed out.

In 9th period I was so frustrated and then I thought out Aqua and my stress went free. Then Mia was in my direction and I got made again. There is nothing I can do about Mia though. So I just have to hope she will get over me.

On the bus ride I sat in a two seater. Mia sat in a three seater while hugging a different guy. I was so tried that I didn't care. When I got home I did my homework and went on my phone until I fell asleep.

Sorry this chapter is really long . If you have any ideas for this book Plz tell me and if you like the book vote. Also thanks for the 50 views this my first book and it makes me feel good that people want to read it!!!

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