Chapter 12 = The Forth Day

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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping. I got out of bed. I didn't hear aqua's door open. So I went in her room to check up on her. She was not there. I went down stairs and I saw her dressed in the kitchen cooking us food. " Hey little chef." I said to Aqua. I saw that she had a apron that said kiss the chef. So I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. " What was that for?" She said. " Your apron says kiss the chef so I did." I blushed and so did she. I went upstairs to get dress. I got dressed and did my morning routine. I went down stairs and Aqua was sitting at the table eating. Next to her was a plate of bacon and eggs and toast. I sat next to her and started eating. It was delicious. I got up and got Aqua's and I backpacks. We headed out the door.

We got to the bus stop and we stared at each other while we stood there. The bus came and I let Aqua go first she sat in a 2 seater I sat next to her. I looked around and Mia wasn't no where so I was relieved.

We got at school and Aqua walked to my locker with me. " Why are you walking with me to my locker? Not that I don't want you too." I asked. She said " I have to tell you something so I wanted to tell you at your locker because Mia locker is by mine." We got to my locker. Aqua faced me and said " This is my fourth day." I stared at her I was so confused. "What do you mean?" I asked her. " My dad said I can stay here for 7 days and in those 7 days I have to find love." She said. Now I remember. I love Aqua but this not the right time to tell her because we are in school. " Then I am going to make this last 3 days amazing." I said. Then we walked to class together holding hands.

( I skipped 1,2,3,4,5)

We were heading to study hall until I saw Mia and her group of friends heading toward Aqua. I pushed her behind me so Mia would not see her but she did. She headed toward me with a mean look. Then she had a sad look. "I am sorry Alex I should have not been at you because you are dating someone else. I should of been happy for you." Mia said. Me and Aqua we shocked on what Mia said. I don't know what was going on in Aqua's head but she looked really shocked on what Mia said. I finally found my voice and said " Uhhhhh... Thanks Mia." Then Mia said " I hope we can still be friends?" I said "yes" and then me looked at Aqua. She looked like she was about to faint. And she did. Aqua fainted and fell on the floor. I picked her up bridal style and took her to the nurse. The nurse let me stay in the room with her. 15 minutes later Aqua woke up and said " I guess we can be friends." Then she looked around and sh asked me " What happened?" I told her that Mia asked her to be her friend and then she fainted. Me looked at me in confusing. The nurse came in and said "Oh your awake. I think guys should go home and get some rest. We both said " ok" and left the school.

We got home and we went up to aqua's room. " You should get some rest." I say and start to head out the room until Aqua says " Can you stay and sleep with me?" I said "ok" and layed down next to her. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her forehead and then I fell into a sleep about Aqua.


Hey guys sorry if this chapter was all over the place. I had softball so I wrote on the way there and on the way back. If you like this book vote and if you have any ideas for this book comment. Luv you guys!!❤️


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