Chapter 16 = 6th Day Part 2

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Aqua just passed out. I am freaking out right now. What do I do? I don't think I can take to the doctor because she is a mermaid and if they put something on her with water she will pop a tail. I decided to carry her to her room. I got to her room and layed her on the bed. Then it hit me Mia is in my living room. Omg I have to carry her out of my house before she murders Aqua. I went down stairs and she was still passed out on the couch. I picked her up and put her on my driveway laying down. I know that is kinda mean but still she tried to kill my girlfriend. I went back up stairs and saw that Aqua was awake. " How do you feel?" " Ok, but my head hurts a little." " That might be because you fell on the stairs." I told her laughing. She looked at me in her " no duh" face.

I stared at Aqua for awhile. She is so pretty I can't even say how pretty she is. She saw that I was staring at her. She caught my gaze. " Stop staring it's rude." Aqua said and then laughed. I laughed too. Then I got a text. I looked at it. It was from Mia. The text said:
It's Marina! I just want to say I am done with you. There is a lot I have to tell you about me. If you want more info about me, meet me at the warehouse where I took Aqua. Bye bæ. 💋

Marina aka Mia

After I read the text I got dressed into something comfortable. Then I got another text from Mia aka Marina. It said to not take Aqua so I told Aqua I was going to go get some food. I headed out the door to the warehouse. I decided to drive there just in case I need to get away fast.

When I got to the warehouse, tried to find the door again and when I did I went in the see Mia sitting in a chair waiting. " It took you long enough." She said in a I a, bored voice. " Ok let's start. I am Aqua's mother like I said earlier today." Again I am still discussed. " I tried to kill Aqua when she was young because I thought she was turning against me. She always sounded like she was up to something. When her father was not in he castle I went to kill Aqua, but she got away." " Wait this is the only hint that is confusing me. How old are you?" I asked. " I am only 25." " Why did you have a baby so young?" "I had to I have to marry at 7 and have a prince or princess at 9." She answered. " Wait Aqua is a princess?" I asked. " You really don't know nothing. Aqua is the princess of all the seas." She replied back. I was shocked at what Mia aka Marina just said.

After like a hour of talking I just remembered that I left Aqua. " Sorry Mia I have to go." " To get Aqua?" She asked. " Yeah. How did you know?" I replied. I started to get out of my chair but the chair did this weird thing and kept me back. " I know because of this..." Mia turned around and I saw Aqua tied up. I should of knew Mia would do something like this again. " This time instead of asking you to date me, I want you to see me killing Aqua slowly." Mia said in an excited voice. " Just one more question how are you going to kill her?" I asked. " Oh honey, she can't stay here forever. Her dad said that she will turn into a mermaid by sunset if she is not in the water before then and if she does have water often she will die on her own. I want you to see her die slowly." Mia explained. Oh no, why does everything bad happen to me and Aqua.

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