Chapter 11= Get Out of My Life

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A girl just kissed me. When she got off I saw that is was Mia. Then I saw Aqua right next to me. Aqua didn't have a sad face she had an anger face. I think she was about to use her powers on Mia. I hugged Aqua and told Mia " I told you I am done with and you still come back. I am with Aqua now. I liked you, I really did but..." I hesitated. I didn't want to say I love her because we just started dating but I did love her. If, and I mean if, by if I mean never will happen. If me and Aqua could not date I would still love her because she would still be a friend. I took Aqua's hand and started walking to my house, just leaving Mia there.

We got home and I went to my room to change into my pjs and then I went to Aqua's room. She was in her pjs and combing her hair on her bed. I sat next to her. I told her " Please don't get mad at me she is just a jerk." ( I can't right bad words because my mom might see it so I don't want to get in trouble.) Aqua looked into my eyes and I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. " We better go to sleep my mom thinks we are sleeping" I said. She said "ok" and I kissed her on her forehead. I walked to my room and fell asleep.


Sorry this chapter is short. I have been really busy.mi play softball and I am on the travel team and I am a pitcher so I have extra practice. So I might be doing shorter chapters. Also, Plz comment and vote I don't think this book is doing good. I have a good idea so if you don't comment or vote I am going to go straight to the conclusion and focus more on my fan fic book that I am writing.


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