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She banged the room door angrily and flung herself on the bed. She smiled at the thought of her mother. Then there was a knock at the door.
"Ugh!this day couldn't get any more worse".she muttered to herself.
"Come in".she spoke out loud. It was Nicholas,again.
"Dinner's ready".he said.
He took one look at her and took his leave immediately. She wasn't even in the right mood to eat. But she had no other choice since she didn't want to have to listen to another sermon.

She got there and took her seat. She ate her food in silence as she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. She was annoyed enough at her dad and she certainly didn't want anyone complicating issues.
She finished the food, said her thanks and made to leave but Mr.Richard stopped her.
"Aren't you dating dessert?".
"No thanks".

"Debbie.." Her dad begun."I'm sorry if you feel bad or hurt.."
"Dad...I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me be".
"Debbie dear..what course would you like to study?". Camilla asked.
"Oh wow".
"What's wow about it?".she asked him, that was Nicholas.
"Can I go now?".she asked again.
"Yes you can. But you can count on us to help you with anything you need". Camilla assured her. She nodded in response,smiled a little and left. She decided to sleep but then he phone rang. It was Tessa.
"Hey tessa".
"Hey..I'm sorry I called so late, was busy with my aunt yesterday. How was your trip?".
"It was fine. At least I'm alive".
"So do you like your new place?enjoying it?".
"I hate it here!. Its annoying. First,they have a son who is so frustrating and then dad said I'm going to school here".
"Wait what?!". Debbie could hear noises at the other end.
"What's that noise?".she asked.
"Oh.  Its Joseph..He's playing his loud music again".she sighed.
Debbie laughed."You guys had a fight?because he does that whenever you guys quarrel".
"Don't mind him. So what are you going to do now?".
"I honestly don't know. Its not like I have a choice".she answered.
"So we won't be seeing you?".
"So he has a son?".
"Yeah. Name's Nicholas.. He's so annoying. Always trying to help".
"Aww..thats nice".
"It's not nice. I didn't come here to be helped".she used air quotes on the 'helped'.
"But you guys are basically living together so you have to be nice to him at least".
"Let's not talk about him".she could still hear the noise.
"Are you sure he's okay?".
"Yeah..he's just doing it to get on my nerves".
"But what happened?".
"I'm tired already".she sighed.
"Woah! Of Joseph?with the way you were all over him back then?".
"Come off it. People fall out of love yunno?".
"I know. But on a more serious note,you're sure about this?".
"Have you told him yet?".
"I told him this morning I needed a break".she sounded quite decided.
"Wow...or is there someone else?".
"Nah...don't really have time for that. My aunt's getting divorced".
"That's huge"
"She's going through a lot right now".she sighed.
"But I like you guys together".she whined.
"Thing's change".
"That means your mind is made up".
"Yeah..I'm done".
"I feel for him".she was sad that they were breaking up.
"How about your dad?". Tessa asked.
"He's fine...gotten a job already,but he's moving to L.A".
"That's nice....but I'm sure there's a but".she already knew Debbie.
"Yes..I want to go with him".
"You sound like a baby right now. He needs to work,for you and you're here whining. Girl,you should be happy and supportive".
"I've heard you".
"You haven't....I guess I should let you go now".
"Yeah...say hi to Joseph for me".
"Whatever your decision is,just make sure to be happy...okay?".
"Yes baby...bye..".
"Bye" .she hung up and dozed off.

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