Chapter 9

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Several weeks after, her dad left for L.A. She finally resumed at the University and Nicholas still kept on being an 'annoying jerk'.
  She woke up one morning as it was just another day when she had to go to school. Camilla came in before she had even gotten up from the bed.
"Your hot water's ready".
"Uhmmmm..I don't feel like using hot water today".she yawned.
"Yes".she was still distant. Camilla sighed and said.
"Okay. Whatever you say and make sure to come down for breakfast".
"You know I don't..". Camilla interrupted.." I know,but just this once".she pleaded.
"Please?". Debbie knew she had to accept.
"Thank you".she smiled and left the room.
She got up from the bed,stepped into the bathroom,took her bath and got dressed.

"Morning sir".she greeted.
" the way, your dad called and he said he's going to be returning next week".she didn't even bother.
He noticed she didn't utter a word "Aren't you going to say anything?". Camilla asked while setting her breakfast for her.
"What should I say? It's good he's coming back". she took a quick bite.
"Have you even called him?" Mr.Richard asked her.
She wiped her mouth." Yes,we spoke like two days ago".
"Okay..and would you like Nicholas to drop you off?".
"She didn't even say hi and you expect me to drop her off?".he spoke.
"I wasn't even going to say yes and I have legs. I certainly dont need your help".she rolled her eyes.
"Would you two stop this already?". Camilla said,then she continued. "You guys have been at it for a long time now,get over it already. All you do is fight all the time,how do you even relate at school?".
"She ignores me at school".he answered,looking at her.
She shook my head. "Don't make it seem like it's my fault. I just don't fancy talking to you. Get that into your thick skull".
"Stop! We're eating here". Richard said,authoritatively. They both kept amute.
"I think I've tolerated your shortcomings enough,as long as you both are living under  my roof, all this fights and unnecessary arguments must cease,understand?".
They didn't answer. He slammed the table.
"Yes". They answered.
She got up immediately. She had lost her appetite.
"Going already?". Camilla asked.
"Yes. Bye".she packed her bags and left.
"Try being nice to her". Camilla said to Nicholas.

She got to school and went for her first class,Poetry. She wondered why she decided to go for the course. And furthermore,she was late.
"You're late, Ms. Ryan".
"Sorry".she immediately settled on her seat.
"Next time you're late, detention".
"So...I'm going to test your poetry are going to write a short poem and then read it out to the class..twenty minutes max".
"What topic?". A student asked.
"Any of your choice.. Time starts now".
  She picked up her pen and started to write whatever that came to her head.

Twenty minutes later,he spoke.
"Joshua, read out your poem".
A young man stood up." This hurts more than a breakup..I keep comparing to see how I screwed up...
I never believed this could happen..
If fate were a person, I'd beg and beg to make our paths entwined forever..
What could have lasted forever..
In my usual fashion I destroyed it..
And in the end,destroyed me."...he sat down.
"Good read.. Now Alli, you're next".
"Sir....I didn't write a thing"
"And why's that? Why did you apply for this class?".
"Say no more,detention". He sighed and said again.
"Ms Ryan,you're next".she didn't hear him.
"Ms Ryan?". Someone had to nudge her in her seat.
"Hmm?".she looked up.
"Lost in thoughts?".
"No sir".
"You're next".
"Okay".she took her book and stood up.

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