Chapter 11

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She walked down the hallway,headed to the class. She felt bad and was already teary eyed. She knew he was right,there was something going on with her. She hadn't gotten over her mom's death yet..
  She got to the class and met people sotted there already. She walked briskly to the back,avoiding the pair of eyes that stared at her as she passed. She hated it.
Someone was already on her seat.
" Uh...excuse me? You're on my seat".she said to the boy.
"Oh...I can sit wherever I want to ".he answered,nonchalantly.
"Oh really". She folded her hands." Get up now". They were watching them..
"And what are you doing to do?".
"This". She took his bag and flung it on the floor. The others murmured when she did this. He got up and she sat immediately.
"Good riddance".she said to him. She found they were all still staring.
"What are y'all staring at?!"".they stopped.

"Good day". The teacher came in.
"We'll be writing an essay today".
"A summary of Williams Shakespeare books". He added..
"Due date is on Friday".
Debbie looked up and saw the guy whose bag she had thrown away staring at her. He gave her a 'I'll be watching your' sign. She rolled her eyes and looked away.
Just then,one other teacher came in..
"There's an urgent meeting right now". He said then left hurriedly.. He followed after it..
"Great..another free class".she said to herself.. She put her head down,hoping to sleep off. Someone threw something at her,it was a paper. She picked it up and opened it.
*Don't think you'll get away with this*
She looked and saw the same guy staring at her. She ignored him and put her head down.

Minutes later,she got tired,so she packed her bags and left the class. She got out and saw Nicholas with his friends,again. She hoped he didn't see her but he did already.
"Where are you going?".
"Your house".
"I'm tired,and besides I'm free".she answered.
"Can I drop you off?".he volunteered.
"You know what my answer will be so why bother asking?".
"So I'll see you at home?".
"Obviously". She walked away. He walked back to his friends.
"Why are you bothering yourself? Shes not interested yunno? I never knew you had a thing for girls like her". His friend,Mason said and they all laughed.
"But really,she's pretty and hot too".Another remarked.
"Stop it".he said
"So why are you all over her?".
"I just want to be friends that's all". He replied.
"Are you sure you dont have feelings?".
"I don't".
"Oh need to have a rethink".
"Let's just go". Nicholas said..

She got to the house but the door was locked. Luckily she had the spare keys so she unlocked and got in. As soon as she closed the door,her phone rang. It was her dad.
"Hello dad".
"Hey are you?".
"I'm fine dad. Mr Richard said you would be coming next week".she spoke.
"Yeah I am".he said,then coughed.
"Dad, are you okay?".
"I am".
"How's school?".he asked.
"I still hate it here".she started again.
"Would you stop all these..I thought you'll be over it by now".
"No dad..I won't be..."..he interrupted her.
"Don't start..have you been speaking with your friends?".
"Yes dad".
"Good..I have to go now,really busy".
"Okay"..she hung up.

She dropped her bag and headed to the kitchen for something to eat. First time she was doing that.
She took a glass and poured juice into it,then brought out the cookies Camille had made the night before.
She thought of her mom again. She really needed to stop thinking so much about her but she couldn't help it. She wished things could change. She sighed,realizing she had been sighing consistently all the time .
"Why are you home early?". Someone asked behind her. She was surprised because she didnt hear anyone come in. It was Camilla.
"I didn't hear you come in".
"That doesn't answer my question".she dropped her bag on the table
"I got tired and there weren't any lectures".
"Okay"..she said again" Eaten?".
"Took some cookies".she replied.
Debbie took her bad and headed upstairs.
"Going to your room already?".
"Yes". Was she expecting her to talk about something?.
"You don't seem to talk much...". Debbie knew that was coming.
"I'm okay with it".she said,then left the kitchen finally.

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