Chapter 1

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The words kept on ringing in her head."The hospital just called,your mom is dead". She didn't even know what to do,what to feel,whether to cry or not. She just looked on at her father,stone cold and stared blankly at him.
"Debbie,Debbie,are you alright?". Her father moved closer to her, touching her cheek,she saw a tear drop from his hazel brown eyes.
"I don't know dad. I don't want to believe it.She was just fine yesterday. But the doctor said she would be fine. What happened dad?so she's gone?forever?".she just looked on,allowing the tears flow freely from her eyes.
"Baby.....". Her father hugged her."I know it's sudden and it hurts,but believe me,it hurts me too". She knew her father was just trying to be strong..for her...for them... She held him tightly and continued to cry, for a long time. Her father let go.
"Look at me Debbie". She wasn't looking.
"Debbie..". He shook her hard and she was startled. She stared at him.
"Look,you have to be strong alright? Be strong for us...I'm sure wherever your mom is right now,she'll want us to be happy. I'm sure she's somewhere watching over us..okay?". He said,stroking her hair.
"Yes dad".she sniffled.
"Please don't cry baby". He continued.
"I'll have to make arrangements for her funeral. I'll have to go to the hospital now". He took his car keys.
"I want to go with you." She cleaned her face with the back of her hands,eyes swollen.
"Debbie.." Her father hesitated.
"Please dad, I want to see her one last time...please"..she begged. Her father had no choice.
" OK .let's go".

*           *            *              *               *        *
They arrived at the hospital about five minutes later. He pulled up at the parking lot and she stepped out of the car.
She found herself just staring at her building. She couldn't get herself to move further.
"Debbie? Are you okay?". Her father squeezed her hands lightly.
"Yes dad". She answered. They both entered the hospital and headed straight to the doctor's office.

"Mr. Ryan...I'm so sorry". The doctor stood as they entered the office.
"Doctor?what happened? You said my mom would be fine. How's is it possible that she's dead? Probably you're mistaken. Nothing could have happened to her". She was almost shouting."I mean,she was fine yesterday,at least she recognized me and could talk too..what happened?"...her voice trailed off as she was panting real hard.
"Debbie calm down". Her dad tried to touch her but she shoved his hand away.
"No dad! I can't calm down..And its not okay. Mom's gone,forever,and there's nothing we can do about it. I can't believe I'll have to spend the rest of my life without her". She started crying again, but she wiped her face.
"Ms.Ryan...I'm so sorry". The doctor said, his head down.
"Can we see her? For the last time?". He father asked.
"Yes..follow me".

They followed and the doctor opened a door which had the inscription 'Morgue' on it. They entered and then she saw her mom,on a wheeler ,with a green cloth covering the parts of her body except her head.
"Mom..".she rushed to her side and caressed her cheek. Her face was pale white and her veins were visible. It didn't even feel like it was her mom. She sniffed and said..
"Mom..why did you decide to go now? You promised you'd be there for me.. I just received my admission letter yesterday. I wanted to come give you the news ..Mom...please..wake up and tell me this is all a dream".she fell to the floor and cried. Her dad bent over to console her.
"We'll have to run tests on Ms.Ryan to see if she has traces of cancer".
"What are you saying?. Her father asked.
"We just want to be sure,that's all".
"Okay..."he looked at Debbie."you'll have to go with the doctor.".. He stroked her cheek lightly.
"But dad..I don't want to do any test...I'm perfectly fine".
"I know..but you never can tell... We didn't know your mom had it until it was critical...please debbie ..go with him". He helped her up.
"Okay dad". She followed the doctor out of the room.
  He turned to look  at his wife. Even in death,she was still beautiful. He smiled softly as tears welled up in his eyes.
"I'll miss you darling". He kissed her forehead,covered her up and said his goodbyes finally.
  He turned and left the room,with a heavy heart.

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