Chapter 10

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She got up on her feet and started to read the poem. She didn't feel the urge to read it out to them..she took a deep breath then started..
" I never dreamt that we'd be distanced by a hate..
That every trust we had could go..
How could I hate you
I never dreamt that any barriers could rise
Or that I'll ever see the stranger in your eyes..."..she stopped,then sat down..
"That was nice.. Even though it was a sad one. . is this really how you feel right now?". He asked
She shrugged.." I guess"
"And also,is there anything wrong with you? You always seem distant in class..fell free to talk to someone about it"..she quickly interrupted..." I'm fine sir".
"Okay then.. Ms Samson,you're next".
They all read their poems and class ended. She had nothing else to do so she remained there.
Someone poked her from behind.
"Ive been looking everywhere for you". He jumped into a seat next to hers.
"And why's that?".
"I just wanted to keep you company". She shook her head.
"Don't you have things to do?".
"I'm free for now". He replied.
"You can't stay here with have friends,go away".
"Chill...they can do without me". She rolled her eyes.
"And why are you talking to me? Did you hit your head or something?".she asked but didnt look up at him. She was writing.
"Why are you always so cold? And I didn't hit my head anywhere".
She shrugged.." I see".
"Yeah..and my dad told me to be good to you". He picked a strand of hair from her face then she shoved him off.. She closed the book and faced him.
"I don't need your kindness..just don't bother me and I won't bother that?".
"I like it".he smiled
"The way your face was.."..he smirked,she stood up.
  "I'm tired..its bad enough we are living together and it's worse we are in the same school". She was packing her books already,her cue to leave.
"What did I even do to you from the very beginning? To be honest,I don't think I did anything wrong?".he was serious now and she knew it.
" you did something wrong by talking to me".she didn't have any excuse.
"How is that even a thing? don't have a tangible reason do you?".
She didn't answer. He spoke again.
"So I should have ignored you from the onset?"
"Look, I really wanted to be your friend and I still want to,if you'll just let me..maybe its your mom's death that's making you like this".
"Excuse you? Don't even bring that up.. I'm not in the mood for that"..
"Debbie..I'm being serious now. You don't even talk to the other students".
"Yeah..I don't care".
"Even if....."
"Don't even say another word. Have you seen the way some of them stare at me? Are those the people you want me to socialize with? ".
" least let me be your friend" ..he insisted.
"I don't understand why you are trying so hard..just ....".
" I know there is something going on with you,that you don't want to talk about". She didn't want to hear anymore.
"At this point,I'm out".
"You are not even ready to talk"
"Leave me the fuck alone!!!".she shouted.
"Ive wasted my time talking to you..ive had enough"...she realized that they had been holding hands all the did that happen?she asked herself... She let go and walked away.
He just sighed. He really wanted to be her friend now.

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