Chapter 4

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Weeks passed and soon,they finally had to leave. Her dad had sold all their tangible properties and what they left with was just their clothes and her mother's bracelet..
She looked back at the house one last time. The house she had loved in science her childhood. All the memories came flooding in her head. She quickly held back her tears as she didn't want her dad to see her crying again.
They drove to the airport and few hours later,they were on board. She sat by the window because that was always her favorite spot.
"What's going on in your mind?". Her father injured when he found her staring out...
"Nothing,dad. Just not happy".she was fidgeting with her hands. she continued." I miss them,Tessa and Joseph".he smiled.
"I understand and I'm sorry you have to go through all these. And besides,they didn't come see us off. What happened?".
"Nothing. I didn't want them to come. It was best they stayed back. We've said our goodbyes already,seeing them again would make me want to cry the more".he squeezed her hand.
"I'm sorry".
"Dad,please stop apologizing,it's not your fault we had to go through all these. And it's not your fault mom died. I just don't know what to expect over there,I don't know if I'll be able to live with it or not".
"You will,my dear. And I'm glad you're coming to terms too".he kissed her forehead.
But deep down,she wasn't okay. She was just not ready to come to terms with it even though it was almost a month. She kept on thinking her mom would come back to her. While thinking about all these,she didn't even realize when she fell asleep.

She woke up when the plane was about to land..and soon it was time to get off. They got their luggage and waited outside the airport for his friend who was to pick them up
  Soon enough,he arrived with his car and they hopped in.
"Glad you accepted my offer".he spoke,his eyes focused on the road ahead
"Richard, thank you so much for this,you've done a lot". She just stared at both of them. She didn't feel like saying a thing.
Richard looked through the front mirror at her,noticing she was so quiet,he spoke again.
"She's all grown up now".. She looked at him,knowing she wasn't in the mood for any conversation,she kept silent still.
"Yeah.."..her father said.
"Debbie, I'm sorry about your mom's death".he stole a glance at her and focused back on the road .
  She was forced to say something." Thank you".she spoke softly. She then wore her headphones so as not to hear anymore of their conversations.
She didn't even notice when he pulled up in front of his house.
"Debbie!Debbie!".her father called out but she wasn't hearing. He had to pull the headphones away before she could pay attention to him.
"It's time for you to come down".
"Okay".she did,she looked around,surprised at what she was seeing. The house was so big and beautiful,more like a mansion.
"England is different".she muttered to herself,well..she hadn't been to England before so she didn't know what she would have been expecting..she carried her bags from the boot.
They walked up the stairs leading to the front door. She noticed a woman standing beside it." That must be his wife".she figured.

"Welcome darling".she picked her husband. He turned to her father and spoke."This is my wife,Camilla,my son should be inside already".
"Nice to meet you".he smiled,collecting her hand for an handshake.
"You too".she reciprocated the gesture,still staring at Debbie."This must be your daughter".
"Yes,she's Debbie". He pulled her to his side and motioned for her to say something.
"Nice to meet you ma'am".she spoke.
"You're pretty,sorry about your mom's death". She was tired of hearing that already. She hated it. It was enough for her that it already happened,she couldn't stand the constant reminders. She stroked her mom's bracelet lightly.
She rolled her eyes and just muttered a quiet"Thank you".
"Now,why don't we go in?I'll put your bags in the room".she said.
"Okay let's go". They all went in.

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