Chapter 2

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The next two days were like hell for her. She couldn't eat or sleep. Her father tried to console her but she just couldn't stop thinking about her mother.
The result of the test was negative. At least she was relieved she didn't have cancer. She reminisced the happy moments she and her mom had together. She curled herself up on her bed and covered her face with a pillow.
"Debbie...Debbie..your friends are here".Her dad called out,she had locked the door so no one would enter.
"I don't want to see anyone dad".she spoke out loud.
"Debbie,open this door please. There's something we should talk about".he said. When he got no response,he knocked lightly a few more times before she finally decided to open the door.
"Can I come in?".
"Yes". Her room was completely mess,with her mom's photos littered everywhere. He felt bad and sad too.
"Tessa and joseph are here to see you". He sat on a small chair beside her bed.
"I don't want to see anyone".she straightener her hair.
"Debbie...they came all the way here to see you. They've been worried".
"Okay dad. I'll go down now".
"Your mom's funeral is in two days".he announced. She didn't know what to say to that. She felt all the more pained.
"I'll go meet them now".she answered.
"I'll be going out to. I need to see my manager".
They both left the room as she went to see her friends.
"Debbie..". They stood up,hugging her.
"How are you doing?. Tessa asked,stroking her hair.

"I'll be out now. See you later".he kissed her forehead and left. They pulled out a chair and made her sit on it.
"You look a mess Debbie...sorry about your mom's death". Joseph spoke,feeling bad for her.
"Thanks. I guess I'll have to deal with it now".she cupped her face with her hands,staring at him .
"There's nothing we can do about it. What's done is done. Please take good care of yourself. I'm sure your mom would want that too".she held her hands.
"Thanks guys....u hmm...what would you like to eat?we have rice in the kitchen".she offered.
"Nah..we aren't hungry,we're just worried about you". Joseph replied .
"You sure?"
"Have you even eaten yet?". Tessa asked.
"I'm not that hungry".she stood up.
"How about your admission? Have you received the letter?". Joseph inquired, tessa nodded too.
"U hmm" ..she cleared her throat." I've gotten it already,wanted to give my mom the news but she's dead now"..
" when's the funeral?". Joseph asked.
"My dad said in two days' time".she answered,sighing.
"So, do you need us to do anything for you?".
She shook her head."I don't need anything".she smiled at him.
"I'll get going now. My mom needs me to go to the drycleaners' ".she turned to Joseph."Are you coming with me?".
"Oh yeah".he muttered. They both stood up.
"Thank you guys for coming".she hugged each of them.
"No need to thank us..And please,take good care of yourself. It's not the end of the world you know?".Tessa remarked.
"Yeah..I know".
"Bye". Joseph kissed her cheek.
"Bye".she saw them off to the door and then she closed it.

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