Yutx Nct 127

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This is all made up btw a friend helped me but I can't remember her/his username (I'm sorry to whoever that is). Anyways let's get on with this trash, useless story by me (an actual idiot).

Yuta was someone who is really clumsy and forgetful so the members of nct 127 had to keep an eye on him so he wouldn't get hurt. He had learned to remember things but the most important things he had forgot and he got scolded by taeyong (the leader of the group).

The members of nct 127 had a concert at 1:30 so they had plenty of time to get ready but the woke up early so that they could all help yuta get ready and get his stuff that he needed and he couldn't forget otherwise he would be in big trouble. They had managed to get yuta ready so everyone went to get theirselves ready so that meant that yuta was left alone some people might say that it isn't a big deal that he was left alone but to people who know him well he can't be left alone, he needs someone to be by his side incase of accidents. And by accidents I mean that yuta could or might hurt himself if he decides to wander around the place and occasionally walk into things.

I'm sorry but I am gonna have to make a pt2 for this story as I have other things to do so I will probably be doing the next part in a couple of days. Anyway pls respect that I can't get everything done but I will try my best and when I get stuck at something, I think of Lucas saying "FIGHTING HAYADWAE" (idk if that how you spell it but it gives me confidence and I get it Don ein the end.
Everyone thank you for reading my trash stories but reading other people's stories will give me advice or ideas so I will hopefully get better at them.

Bye guys!

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